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Overdressed or underdressed? I couldn't decide. Whatever it was, it was too late to change now that I walked down the road in my frilly white dress, sandals, and hair pulled up in a quick bun.

My heart was beating out of my chest as I found myself anxious about what to wear.

I barely knew him, didn't even know his name, yet I spent hours preparing as if his words meant he was asking me out. This wasn't a date, he was working, but my mind converted his words into one.

Finally making it on site, loud music and dancing people filled the area in front of me. I could barely see the roof of the small bar over the heads.

Picking a detour, I made in to the bar where three men worked fast, handling and flipping bottles, pouring alcohol, and smiling at the ladies.

When his eyes met my shy face, his smile beamed harder than the sun.

"Hey, you made it!" He chirped, coming in front of me. His eyes roamed around for a bit, his smile fading a fraction. "Where's the pupper?"

I told him that my neighbors were watching over the dog and his smile returned.

"Awesome." He bobbed his head in the beat of the song. He pulled up a glass and slid it to me. "Pina Colada. This one's on me."

And no matter how much I protested, he wouldn't take the money. So I gave up, thanked him, and sipped on the delicious cocktail.

His smile widened when I nodded in satisfaction.

"You like it?" He asked, wiping his hands and I nodded again, savoring the flavors. "Great."

He opened his mouth to say something but another patron called and he excused himself.

And I couldn't help it but watch him work; giving it his all while wearing a brightest smile I have ever seen. His blond hair was tousled due to the sea breeze and his rapid movements but the dimple on his cheek never eased up.

He glanced at me and smiled bigger.

My heart sped up and I tensed, the cocktail stopping midway through the straw.

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