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I was so excited for our first real date that I, once again, barely slept through the warm summer night.

Chan and I met at the bar around six in the afternoon.

We walked along the beach, sat for an ice cream, and resumed our walk until dusk.

Finding a nice a quiet spot at the end of the beach was perfect but climbing the rocks wasn't.

I suggested we climb them because behind the large stone was my favorite quiet spot, a little piece of the beach where no one came.

And, of course, I slipped. Because it was hard climbing the sharp rocks in sandals. But Chan, the gentleman he is, caught my wrist in time and pulled me to him.

We landed safely on the other side but both pulled away as the proximity and our chests touching alert us.

The sunset was upon us. My favorite golden hour.

Chan sat on the sand, bending his knees, and pulled in a long breath.

"This is amazing..." He sighed and looked up at me. He tapped the area beside him and I shyly sat, pulling the skirt of my dress closer to my legs.

Chan let out a small chuckle. "Thank you," he said and I turned my head to him, surprised at his words. "I love making you friends but I felt so lost in this town. You helped me adjust and ease that anxiety so... Thank you."

I smiled back and nodded.

Time slowed down.

Clamor of the town was far behind us, only the shushing of the waves and sea breeze filled the silence between us.

I couldn't avert my eyes from his face as sun, once again, accented all his features.

That smile, that dimple, that golden hair, and tanned skin... It was the most perfect sight I could ask for.

I wouldn't regretted if I died at that moment, Chan and his beautiful smile being the last thing I saw.

But then his hand covered mine and his smile took on a softer tone. My heart was beating in my throat and ears. I gulped but it didn't calm down.

I enjoyed listening and talking to him. I loved his company, laughs, and silly jokes.

But, at that moment, I enjoyed his touch.

Our faces leaned closer as the sun shone on us from the horizon.

We shared our first kiss in the hidden spot of the beach, bathed by golden sunrays.

GOLDEN // BANG CHANWhere stories live. Discover now