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He tasted and smelled like sun, mint, and watermelon and I wanted to kiss him forever.

We met up for dates in the afternoon and parties at night. We sneaked around for a moment reserved just for us, for a quick peck or a pleasurable make out.

I loved his hands on my waist and back, his strong arms holding me close, and he loved my fingers through his hair, on his face and shoulders.

I started wearing dresses more. The loving gaze I would get from him whenever he'd see me sent butterflies roaming around my belly. His compliments made my knees weak and heart swell. But his kisses figuratively melted me until I was a puddle at his feet.

More weeks passed until we decided to give into passion.

It happened at his house. His roommate and colleague was working at the bar that night and promised to give us space.

Chan's room was small, his bed was soft, but the feel of his kisses and touch was far more delightful.

He was so gentle and loving it almost made me cry. I endured it but a stray tear left my eye when I watched him from below, that golden glow of the sun falling on his sweat-glistering smiling face.

"I love you," he said.

And I cried, pulling him down in a kiss and hugging him close so that he wouldn't see my tears.

I loved him as well. I said it a thousand times that night.

I didn't think it would be possible to love someone in such a short amount of time but my heart held only him and those three words leaving my mouth as we kissed and made love never felt stronger and more true.

GOLDEN // BANG CHANWhere stories live. Discover now