The secret of us

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Travis pov

'Hurry up Tay, we're gonna be late' I say still waiting on Taylor while she smears some dark red lip stick across her lips, she walks out off the bathroom in a little white skirt with a navy blue top. 'Wow you look gorgeous' I say looking up and down at Taylor. Taylor bites down on a grin before kissing me, she wraps her arms around my neck but i pull away.

'You're not gonna work me up right before Gracie's party' I say with a strict tone. Taylor just laughs.

We head out and step into my car, it's about a ten minute drive to Gracie's house. She was hosting a party because her new album 'The secret of us' had just come out. I was so proud of her but Taylor was also on the album so i was double proud.

We got to Gracie's and she greeted me with a smile and Taylor with a hug. 'Aah i'm so glad you guys are here, get yourselves a drink and enjoy!' Gracie said. I'd never met her but by the look she gave Taylor got me thinking she approved. I looked over at Taylor who was smirking and biting her bottom lip.

'No Tay, you're not gonna get me worked up at your friend's launch party.' I say whispering in her ear. She drops the grin and we head over to the bar.

'A vodka diet coke and a mojito please' Taylor says. The man behind the bar starts making out drinks and he hands them over. Taking a sip i look over to see Taylor gone. She's run to say hello to Sabrina. I follow her not knowing what to do else. They're giggling as i come over, i've had met Sabrina before, she was really sweet and a good friend for Taylor. We said bye to her as we headed to the dance floor.

'Dance with me pretty girl' I said as i took Taylor's hand. Taylor took my hand with a smile as we danced to our favorite songs. She was still grinning but i she knew she had to control herself. She just looked so gorgeous, and she is mine all mine i still can't believe it.

'Travis?, are you okay?' Taylor asked concerned.

'What?, yes i was just admiring how beautiful you are' I say smiling at her.

'Well i'm most beautiful when you have your fingers inside of my already dripping wet pussy' She whispered very quietly inside my ear.

Then something snapped inside me, not knowing what i was doing i grabbed Taylor's wrist and we snuck out of the massive living room. After checking no one was looking we headed upstairs as we ran into a random bedroom.

'Fuck Tay, i said you can't work me up at your friend's launch party' I say, she's biting her bottom lip. 'You know what fuck it' I take her face in between my hands and our lips melt together. She licks against my lips as i open my mouth, granting her permission. Our tongues dancing in cirkels inside of each other's mouths.

'I'm gonna have to punish you for this baby girl'. I sigh against her mouth when a little whimper escaped hers.

'How exactly pretty boy' She says in between our intense making out.

I shove her against the wall of the bedroom as Taylor's leg automatically fall open for me. I lift up her skirt a bit as i nudge her underwear to the side. Sliding three fingers in at once, she gasps loudly as i cover her mouth with my other hand.

'Don't want to get caught baby girl' I say quickly working my finger inside of her, pinching against her clit as she drips all over her thighs.

'Travis i- i-' Taylor whimpers unable to form a proper sentence.

'What baby girl, use your words' i said knowing she was struggling.

'I need you' She blurts out.

'Well then' I say as i lift her up pulling my hand out of her making her moan softly. I lay her on her back on the bed as i slip out of my own jeans and boxers, leaving us in only our shirts. Taylor strips out of her top and clicks her bra off as i pull my shirt over my head. Leaving us both completely naked.

'Travis i really need you' Taylor whimpers against my mouth when i'm on top of her.

'Okay, okay' i say as i insert myself inside of her. She lets out a loud moan and i start to increase my paste. I start kissing against her neck leaving little red spots.

Gracie's pov

I was so happy with how my party was going. I'm about to play 'Us' for everyone so i asked Sabrina to help me find Taylor.

'I think i saw her go upstairs earlier with Travis, it seemed important' Sabrina said.

We head up stairs as we hear a loud scream what we think is Taylor. Running as fast as we can we burst open my bedroom door. A hand covers my mouth as Sabrina stand there, amazed.

'Well, well you two are like two horny teenagers.' Sabrina says chuckling.

Travis gets of Taylor and the cover themselves up.

'Uhm well this is kinda alwaar' Taylor eventually says. 'Grace?' She says. Only now noticing i've gone bright red. I was really quickly embarrassed and my pale skin tone didn't help with that.

'Just, um' I say not knowing how to react as i've just seen one of my closest friends and her boyfriend having sex.

'Just get dressed and maybe clean yourself up Tay' She says not being able to hold back a laugh. 'And for future reference maybe do it when you're not at a party with about two hundred people down the hall, just a small tip' Sabrina says taking my hand and closing the door.

'You know how those two are Grace, they just get carried away a little when they get down Tay will try and say sorry. Just say it's no big deal, because now it seems like you're more embarrassed but you're not the one who was inside of someone. It's really no big deal Grace, i've seen them do it about twenty times now.'

I stared at Sab. 'TWENTY?!' i eventually say.

'Yea i think that's about right, just come down with me have a drink and we'll forget it ever happened.

'That sounds great, thanks Sab' Sabrina was the only person who knew about my embarrassment 'sickness'. I've had it my whole life but still, i always found myself in the most embarrassing situations ever.

A few minutes later Taylor and Travis came over. Travis hiding behind Taylor's shoulder as she started to apologize.

'There's no need Tay, i get it if i looked like you two id never get dressed. Really no biggie. I say seeing a relieve on both of there faces.

The night continued and around 3:00 am everyone was gone. I thought to myself that the cleaning up was something i was gonna do tomorrow morning, so i got ready for bed. As i scrolled on TikTok before i went to bed i got a text from Taylor.

Hey Grace, i'm so fucking embarrassed. I just wanted to say i'm really sorry i don't know what got over me. Ily.

No harm done, i mean it. Want to get drinks Friday, maybe Travis could come to?

Thanks Grace, and yea we're free. Maybe we could ask Sab and Barry to join. We'll make it a fun night out!

That sounds great.

We texted for about an hour and then both fell asleep.

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