freaky chocolate (pt 2 of vibrate freak)

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Travis's pov

I woke up to my alarm going off. I sighed as i looked down to see Taylor already gone. Usually i beat her to it. I step out of bed and tug on a shirt, walking downstairs.

"Good morning baking queen." I smiled as i walked into the kitchen.

"I just want to make sure everything is perfect for when everyone comes!" She smiled and rose up to kiss me. We'd invited a few friends to have dinner, and catch up.

"I appreciate that, vibrate freak." I chuckle, remembering our last night conversation.

"You will never speak those words again." She replied, and walked to the oven.

"Okay, everyone will be here around five. That gives you seven more hours to bake and cook, and i just have to get ready. I love being a horrible cook." I sigh.

"As long as you clean up, i love being your private chef." Taylor walks over to me and kisses me.

"I can't believe we still haven't had sex." She sighed.

"Tonight baby, when our friends are away." I smiled, i was going to mess with her so bad.

"I'm gonna go shower, i'll be back in twenty minutes." I say.

"Could you go to the store afterwards, we need some stuff." Taylor says as she texts me a little shopping list.

"Of course." I say and walk upstairs to get ready. After i get ready i grab the chocolate out of my bag. Patrick had given it to me, it was supposed to make you really horny. He told me he'd pranked Brit, and they couldn't keep their hands of off each other.

I didn't really believe him, but i still wanted to try it so i thought today would be the perfect opportunity. That's why i teased her last night, so she would be even more worked up today. This was mean, but she's gotten me so many times, i deserve this. Putting the box back i walked downstairs again.

"Okay i'm going to the store." I told Taylor and walked over to her, giving her a quick kiss.

"I forgot to text you, but we also need whipped cream, dental floss and condoms." She said and i chuckled.

"Whipped cream and condoms, are you wanting to repeat the embarrassing moment with Gracie?" I laughed and she realized.

"Oh gosh, don't remind me. People still thing i'm a freak." She giggled.

"Alright, i'll be back." I said and walked out to my car. Driving to the nearest Target i parked my car and headed in. Usually i don't get recognized when i'm alone, and i love that.

I walk over to the hygiene and grab, dental floss, deodorant, hair gel and some conditioner. Walking over to the candy i grabbed the whipped cream and chocolate kisses for tonight. On my way to check out i pick up two boxes of condoms and go to self check out. After i pay i see the flowers in front of the store, i buy pink lilly's, Taylor's favorite. I drive home and open the door, Taylor is in the exact same position she was when i left.

"I'm back." I say and place everything on the counter.

"These are for you baby." Taylor looks up and a massive smile spreads across her face. So easy to please, take notes boys.

"Ahw my favorite, thank you Trav." She smiled and rose up to kiss me.

"It's the bare minimum." I said and kissed her back.


"Babe everything looks great." I say, everyone should arrive any second now.

"Just making sure." Taylor says as she stirs some pot.

"You look beautiful." I say and spin her around. She's wearing a little black dress, that hugs her perfectly. A little black heel with gold straps underneath, and she's covered in simple gold jewelry.

"I am mad you straightened your hair." She's so cute when she has her curls out.

"Too bad." She sticks out her tongue.

"Here have some chocolate and relax baby, everything will be amazing." Time for action.

"Alright." She nods and eats the chocolate.

"Hm this is good, what is it?" Uh.

"Don't know, Patrick gave it to me." No lie.

"I can't get over this dress." I say and place my hands on her hips. Without saying a word she rises up and kisses me passionately. I slip my tongue into her mouth, and she moans at the move. Then the doorbell rings.

"Ugh, why can't we make out in peace." Taylor grunts and goes to open the door.

"I'm sorry i've disturbed your procreating." I hear Gracie's voice

Taylor's pov

"I didn't mean for you to hear that." I giggle and lead her in.

"The place looks great, oh no i'm the first one." She says and looks around.

"You always are." I chuckle.

"Unless you beat me to it, but since you've been with Trav you're almost always late." Gracie says and Travis smirks. I shoot him a look, and he chuckles.

"I wonder why." He mutters under his breath. We usually are late when we get distracted. That distraction usually involves our tongues, or bed.

"Hey Grace." Travis walks over to Gracie and hugs her.

"No Paul?" He asks as he lets her go.

"He's out of town, but he sends his love." She smiles, and we get into some conversation. After a few minutes the doorbell rings again.

"I'll get it." Travis says, god that voice.

"Hey guys!" Sabrina, Blake, Ryan and Selena walk in. We all exchange hugs and hellos as we stand in the living room. I get everyone their drinks as everyone gets caught up in conversation. After twenty minutes the door rings one final time.

"Am i late?" Jack says.

"Extremely." I smile and give him a hug.

"I'm sorry i told him we were going to be." Margret smiled.

"It's alright." I told her, gosh i love that woman so much. She's just so elegant.

"Okay now that we're all complete let's sit down, this is a dinner party after all." I said and everyone sat down.

"Here i'll do that baby." Travis told me as he grabbed the salad bowls, as he grabbed them it flexed his muscle. Gosh he's so hot. A whimper escaped my lips and i immediately shut them closed.

"You alright?" Travis chuckled.

"I don't know what got over me." I say embarrassed, and Travis gives me a look. A knowing look.

Oh god, that can't be good.

a/n: Hey guys currently 2am while i'm writhing this. These two chapters were very in the moment, but i'm very tired so i'll try to finish this story tomorrow!

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