Chapter 1

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Jin looked out of the windows of his enormous, high-rise office, city lights twinkling below looked like stars

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Jin looked out of the windows of his enormous, high-rise office, city lights twinkling below looked like stars. It had been a long day of continous meetings, proposals, and encountering deals - the life of a rising CEO. Yet, despite his many professional accomplishments, an emptiness lingered in his heart. A feeling of loneliness and pain remained in his heart

He sighed, running a hand through his neatly styled dark hair. At 29, Jin had achieved everything he'd ever dreamed of - a successful career, a luxurious lifestyle and mostly respect among his peers. But something was missing. After being Cheated by his ex-girlfriend 10 years ago, he'd vowed to keep his heart safely guarded, focusing solely on his career on not get into any relationship.

Now, Jin couldn't help but wonder if he'd sacrificed too much. As all his friends settled down and started families, the loneliness crept in, a nagging feeling that he was missing out on the very thing he'd so carefully avoided - love, and the feeling of happiness

Shaking his head, Jin turned away from the window. Dwelling on such thoughts wouldn't do him any good. He needed to stay focused, to keep pushing forward. With one final glance around his immaculate office, he grabbed his briefcase and headed out, determined to leave the day's stresses behind.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Yn hurried through the bustling airport, her designer suitcase trailing behind her. She'd just returned from a high-profile fashion show in Milan, where her latest collection had been met with rave reviews. It was a career-defining moment, but all Yn could think about was getting home.

As she rushed towards the exit, her phone buzzed with a familiar name - her mother. "Hi, Mom," she answered, a smile spreading across her face.

"Yn, honey! I'm so glad you're back. Your brother and sister-in-law are having their engagement party tonight, and we can't wait for you to be there," her mother's excited voice came through the line.

Yn chuckled. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it. I'll head straight there after I drop off my things."

"Perfect! We'll see you soon, darling. Drive safe, okay?"

"Will do. Love you, Mom." Yn ended the call, feeling a warm glow. Despite the ups and downs of her life, her family had always been her rock, and she couldn't wait to celebrate this special occasion with them.

Stepping out into the cool evening air, Yn hailed a cab and made her way home, eagerly anticipating the evening ahead.


The Min family's sprawling estate was alive with activity as guests began to arrive for Yoongi and Hana's engagement party. Yn's parents, Junho and Minhee, greeted everyone with warm smiles and joyful embraces, their natural charisma setting the tone for the evening.

"Yn, my darling!" Minhee exclaimed as her youngest daughter stepped through the ornate double doors. She swept Yn into a tight hug, peppering her cheeks with kisses. "We're so happy you made it back in time."

Yn laughed, returning her mother's affection. "Wouldn't miss this for the world, Mom." She pulled back, beaming at her parents. "Where's the happy couple?"

"Over by the fountain, greeting the guests," Junho answered, giving Yn's shoulder an affectionate squeeze. "Go on, go say hello. We'll make sure your things are taken care of."

Nodding, Yn made her way through the elegantly decorated foyer, the sounds of laughter and chatter guiding her towards the back of the estate. As she stepped outside, her eyes immediately landed on her sister-in-law, Hana, radiant in a flowing, champagne-colored gown. Beside her stood Yoongi, her brother, his arm wrapped around her waist as they conversed with a group of well-wishers.

"Yn!" Hana's face lit up when she spotted her sister-in-law. She disentangled herself from Yoongi and hurried over, pulling Yn into a tight embrace. "I'm so glad you made it!"

Yn returned the hug, feeling a surge of affection. "Of course, I wouldn't miss this for anything." She pulled back, giving Hana a once-over. "You look absolutely stunning, sis-in-law."

Hana's cheeks flushed with pleasure. "Thank you. And look at you - always so stylish." She hooked her arm through Yn's, guiding her towards Yoongi. "Come, I am sure your brother wants to meet you."

As Yn approached her brother, he took his little sister in warm and ortective embrace as his eyes turned glossy. "Finally, my stupid sister decided to come and meet her only brother huh?."

Yn shook his her head at her brother's teasing tone, returning her gummy smile. "Oppa, it's not like that and yeah Congratulations to both of you. I'm thrilled for you."

"Thank you, little sissy," Yoongi replied. "I am just so excited to finally have my little sister here to celebrate with us."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Yn's parents, who swept in with a flurry of excitement. "There's our beautiful girl! We're so happy for both of you but make sure to atleast eat something" Minhee exclaimed, pulling Hana into a hug.

Junho beamed, his eyes shining with pride. "We're so happy you made it, son. Yn Now, let's get you a drink and introduce you to everyone."

As Yn was whisked away by her doting parents, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Despite the chaos of her work and the occasional loneliness, moments like these - surrounded by her loving family - made everything worthwhile.


Jin navigated the crowded room, a glass of champagne in hand, exchanging polite greetings with his colleagues and acquaintances. While he enjoyed these types of events for the networking opportunities, he often found himself feeling out of place, craving the solitude of his office or the comfort of his own home.

As he made his way towards the back of the estate, a flash of movement caught his eye. Suddenly, a woman in a flowing, cobalt blue dress came careening down the steps, stumbling and losing her footing. Jin instinctively reached out, but before he could react, she collided with him, and they both tumbled into the ornate fountain with a resounding splash.

The sudden commotion drew the attention of the entire party, and Jin emerged from the water, sputtering in surprise. He blinked the droplets from his eyes, reaching out to help the woman beside him.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

The woman pushed the wet strands of hair from her face, revealing a pair of familiar hazel eyes. "Jin?"

Jin's breath caught in his throat as he recognized the woman. "Yn?"


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