Chapter 3

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As the evening wore on, the guests gradually trickled out of the Min family estate, bidding their farewells and congratulations to the happy couple

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As the evening wore on, the guests gradually trickled out of the Min family estate, bidding their farewells and congratulations to the happy couple. Yn, Jin, and the rest of the Min clan found themselves gathered in the cozy living room, the air filled with a comfortable silence punctuated by the occasional murmur of conversation.

Yn nestled into the plush sofa, a steaming mug of tea cradled in her hands. She glanced across the room to where Jin was engaged in a lively discussion with Yoongi and Junho, their laughter and animated gestures a testament to the deep bond they shared. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she watched the familiar scene unfold.

It was strange, Yn mused, how seamlessly Jin had slipped back into their lives, as if he had never truly left. The years that had passed since their last encounter seemed to melt away, leaving behind only the warmth and familiarity of their friendship.

A gentle nudge at her side pulled Yn from her reverie, and she turned to find Minhee watching her with a knowing smile.

"Penny for your thoughts, darling?" her mother asked, her tone soft and soothing.

Yn felt a flush of embarrassment creep up her neck, caught in the act of her unabashed staring. "Oh, it's nothing, really," she murmured, taking a sip of her tea. "I was just... reminiscing, I suppose."

Minhee followed her daughter's gaze, her eyes landing on Jin's animated figure. "Ah, I see," she said, her voice laced with a hint of understanding. "It must be quite surreal to see him again after all this time."

Yn nodded, her fingers tracing the rim of her mug. "It is," she admitted, her brow furrowing slightly. "I mean, I knew he'd be here, but I guess I didn't realize how much I'd missed him until I saw him."

Minhee reached out, giving Yn's hand a gentle squeeze. "I know, sweetheart. You two were so close when you were younger. It's only natural that you'd feel that way."

Yn offered her mother a grateful smile, squeezing her hand in return. "I just... I don't know. I feel like there's so much I want to say to him, but I'm not sure where to even begin."

"Well, you have plenty of time to figure that out," Minhee reassured her. "Why don't you start by catching up on the little things? You'd be surprised how much can be learned from the simple day-to-day." She winked, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "And who knows, maybe you'll even find a chance to pull a prank or two, just like the old days."

Yn couldn't help but chuckle at her mother's words, the tension in her shoulders easing. "You know me too well, Mom."

Minhee let out a contented sigh, leaning back into the sofa. "That I do, my dear. That I do."


As the night wore on, the group eventually dispersed, with each member of the Min clan retreating to their respective rooms. Jin found himself standing in the plush guest suite, his gaze drawn to the large bay window that overlooked the sprawling estate.

The moonlight cast a soft, silvery glow across the manicured grounds, and Jin couldn't help but be struck by the sense of nostalgia that washed over him. So many of his fondest childhood memories were rooted in this very place, a haven of laughter, adventure, and camaraderie.

A gentle knock at the door pulled him from his reverie, and he turned to find Yoongi standing in the doorway, a warm smile on his face.

"Hey, Jin," the younger man greeted, stepping into the room. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Jin returned the smile, gesturing for Yoongi to come in. "Not at all. I was just... taking in the view."

Yoongi nodded, coming to stand beside Jin at the window. "It's been a while since you've been here, hasn't it?"

"It has," Jin confirmed, his gaze sweeping across the familiar landscape. "It's almost surreal, being back."

Yoongi let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, I can imagine. A lot's changed since the last time you were here."

Jin felt a pang of regret tug at his heart. "I'm sorry about that, Yoongi. I should have been around more, especially after..." His voice trailed off, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

Yoongi waved a dismissive hand. "Hey, don't worry about it, man. I know you had your own life to live. Besides, it's not like I was in any condition to be a great host back then."

Jin winced, the memory of that fateful accident still fresh in his mind. "Still, I wish I could have been there for you and the rest of the family. You all mean so much to me, and I hate that I've been absent for so long."

Yoongi reached out, giving Jin's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "You're here now, and that's what counts. We're just glad to have you back, Jin."

Jin felt a surge of gratitude, pulling Yoongi into a warm embrace. "Thank you, Yoongi. For everything."

As they pulled apart, Yoongi's expression turned playful. "So, I heard you and Yn used to be quite the troublemakers back in the day."

Jin chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Ah, yes. Yn and I definitely had our fair share of adventures. Though I can't take all the credit - that girl was quite the mastermind when it came to coming up with new schemes."

Yoongi laughed, shaking his head in amusement. "I can only imagine. I'll have to get her to tell me all the juicy details later."

Jin grinned, a fond smile spreading across his face. "You know, I'm really glad I got to see her again today. It's been far too long."

Yoongi nodded, his expression softening. "I can tell. You two seemed to pick up right where you left off."

Jin's brow furrowed slightly. "I hope that's not... awkward, or anything. I don't want to overstep any boundaries, especially with it being your big day and all."

Yoongi waved a dismissive hand. "Are you kidding? I think it's great that you two reconnected. You were both such an integral part of each other's lives, it would be a shame for that connection to have been lost."

Jin felt a wave of relief wash over him. "I'm glad you feel that way. Yn and I, we have a lot of history, but I don't want to impose on your celebration."

"Don't be ridiculous," Yoongi scoffed. "You're family, Jin. And I know Yn is more than happy to have you back in her life." He paused, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if she's already planning some sort of prank to pull on you."

Jin couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Knowing Yn, you're probably right. Though I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous to see what she's got up her sleeve."

Yoongi clapped him on the back, laughing. "That's the spirit, my friend. Now, come on, let's go see what the rest of the house is up to. I have a feeling it's going to be a long night."


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