Forbidden pt2 (j.o)

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Plot : This chapter takes place one year after the first one

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Plot : This chapter takes place one year after the first one. Y/n is shooting a scene for a movie that triggers strong emotions in Jenna's heart.


The grand set of the wedding scene is bustling with activity, the crew adjusting lights and cameras, the extras milling about in their formal attire. I stand at the altar in a stunning white gown, the veil delicately framing my face.

The director, a tall man with a booming voice, calls for a quiet as we prepare to shoot the next scene.

"Alright, places everyone !" He shouts.

"Let's get this done in one take."

Jenna stands off to the side, dressed in a sharply tailored suit that enhances her tomboyish charm. She's playing a member of the bride's family, her eyes twinkling with mischief and a hint of something deeper as she watches me.

The scene begins, and I recite my vows with the actor that's playing my groom, our voices blending together with the solemn music. We exchange rings, and just as we're about to kiss, the director yells.

"Cut !"

I awkwardly step back and I don't even need to glance at Jenna to know that she's fuming in rage from there.

"Great job, everyone ! Let's take a break before the next set up" He announces.

I step away from the altar, the weight of the dress suddenly feeling heavier. As I make my way to my dressing room, I catch Jenna's eyes. She gives me a small, almost imperceptible nod. My heart quickens with anticipation.

I reach my dressing room and close the door behind me, leaning against it with a sigh. The room is quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. I begin to remove my veil when the door swings open, and Jenna strides in, her expression a mix of determintaion and itensity.

Before I can say a word, she crosses the room in a few quick steps and pulls me into a passionate kiss. Her lips are urgent and demanding, and I melt into her embrace, my heart pounding in my chest.

The kiss is hungry, filled with all the frustration she was holding up inside of her. When she finally pulls back, her eyes are blazing with a fierce possessiveness.

"I can't stand it" She breathes, her voice low and intense.

"Watching  you up there, pretending to marry someone else. It should be me, Y/n. I should be the one marrying you for real."

I stare at her, my breath coming in short gasps.


She shakes her head, her grip on my arms tightening slightly.

"No, let me say this. I've been patient, but seeing you like that...It drives me crazy. I love you, and I want everyone to know that you're mine. I can't keep pretending anymore"

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