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Mairi Ramos 8:00Am

"You're so handsome," I tell my boyfriend softly as I admire his face.

I think he's the most beautiful man on this earth, he's ethereal.

He chuckles, looking at me before gently tracing my face with his soft fingers.

"Mai, you're the most gorgeous woman in this whole entire universe. I mean, from your shiny hair to your ugly feet." He jokes.

I playfully nudge his chest as I laugh, "Kaiser!" I sit up in the bed.

"I'm just playing Ma," he says, pulling me back into him pressing soft kisses to my jawline.

I smile, "We have to start our day,"

"Doing our morning routines weren't enough?" He asks.

I laugh, "We haven't even ate yet, we should invite our friends to breakfast."

He raises his dark, full brows. He's always had a lot of hair since we were young, I love it though.

"Breakfast? How about brunch? You know nobody's up before 9:00 and then they need extra hours for other unnecessary stuff that they think is necessary." He suggests with reasons.

I laugh, nodding. "Fine, brunch at 12:30?"

He nods also, "Perfect, ayeeee!"

I burst into laughter, he literally got that from William who got it from Tokyo Toni on TikTok.

"Let's text the group chat, and get ready." I say as I turn over, grabbing my phone off of the nightstand.

The thin curtains are open, letting all the sunlight in as we get to see the view of Los Angeles.

As I scroll through my text messages, I roll out of bed and make my way into the kitchen.

Kaiser isn't too far behind.

I lean on the counter as I type up a text message.

Mairi: Let's have brunch at 12:30

Will-I-am: why not earlier nigga? I'm already up.

Mairi: Don't call her a nigga-Kaiser

Will-I-am: Sorry daddy

He inserts five different sad faces.

William is super funny and everybody knows he's a weirdo.

Mairi: Gay. But anyways, be there by 12:40 ATLEAST. Or you will no longer be in the bad bitch club.

Inez: BBC

I laugh at her text message even though it's barely funny, Inez and I have been best friends since birth, our parents are like max level besties.

Mairi: so unhilariousness

Will-I-am: I think it's very hilariousness actually.

Mairi: good thing I didn't ask you.

Sevyn: I'll be at brunch, and in honor of pride month, I'll be paying for everybody gay.

Amina: I'm coming out. I'm gay. Pay for me.

Mairi: does being an ally count?! Yes or no fast.

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