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Mairi Ramos, 9:00 Am

I wake up without Kaiser beside me once again...but he might be gone for good this time.

Most of his things that were once here are gone...He left.

I check my phone and see that he left me a message.

Kaiser: I'm sorry, I can't stay with a cheater. Whatever we had is over.

Seriously? "Whatever we had?"

Damn it, what about our friends and family?

I throw my legs over the side of my bed and start to check all my notifications.

Inez's contact pops up, she's calling me.

I press the green button.

"What the fuck is going on?!" She whisper-yells into the phone.

"What do you mean?" I say tiredly.

"Kaiser asked Will if he wanted to come with him to the furniture shop for his new place. And he made it specific that you weren't gonna be there." She says.

Damn, that was quick.

"I guess we just broke up," I reply blatantly.

"Ain't nobody told me nothing!!!!" Amina yells into the phone, blowing the speakers out.

"You seem so unfazed, what the fuck happened. He's like the love of your life." Sevyn says.

When the hell did this become a 4-way call?

I sigh, "I cheated yesterday, and he found out last night but made me believe that my apology was all it took for us to stay together. And when I woke up all of his things were gone and he left me a message that said he couldn't stay with a cheater."

"Who did you cheat with?" Inez asks.

I fake whine, "Pretty tattooed girl from the restaurant."

"Oh shit!" Sevyn says.

"I knew you weren't just an ally!" Inez says.

I smack my lips. "This is a serious matter,"

"Was it at least worth it?" Amina asks.

"kinda sorta?" I say with a confused tone.

"Bitchh you need to take a self day, and tonight we're going out and having so much fun like this is gonna be your first real party without having to be loyal," Inez says.

I laugh, "Okay nezzy...I love y'all!"

I hang up and place my phone beside me before leaning back down on the bed.

I put on a cute, casual outfit and I grab my purse and keys.

First I'm gonna head to the store to get more self-care things.


I grab a pack of cake batter chapsticks, they're my favorite. Then I get more face soap and cute things that I don't need.


As I sit in my car, my phone starts to ring with a call from Maison.

I sigh before answering, I hope this isn't bullshit.

"What did you do? Yk I like Kaiser." He says.

"I—actually it's none of your business," I reply.

"Oh my, you're about to do that thing where you act like you don't care... it's good to let your feelings out." He says, as much as he plays, he cares about me.

I roll my eyes, "I don't care though, I'm going out tonight and maybe when I get home I can bawl my eyes out."

"I'll tell Mom if you keep playing," he says.

Damn, I forgot about them.

"That's wrong, I'm going to tell them on my own time," I say, although that'll be when I feel like it.

"Okay sis, see you later, love you." He says.

"Love you too," I hang up.

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