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Mairi Ramos 9:50

I catch my breath as my sore legs fall on their own.

I can picture how I look right now, and it's not good. I'm still hot though.

"fuck," I breathe out as I sit up and throw my legs over the bed.

His moist chest moves up and down with a silent chuckle as he sprinkles kisses all over my shoulders.

I grab my phone to check the time. It's almost ten but we have time to shower and get dressed and stuff right?

"Let's start getting ready," I suggest.

"Yeah," he replies.

After a steamy shower and a small disagreement over whether or not we'll make it on time, we're ready by 11:59 on the dot. Damn.

I guess it's fine because our outfits are coordinated and cute, and we both look gorgeous.

"Let's go," I say as I grab my cute purse that matches my outfit and my phone.

Kaiser grabs his phone and his "Man-Purse."

We both exit the house and get into the blacked out Caddilac SUV.
Kai is driving of course.

We both out on our seatbelts, and his phone automatically connects. It plays PRIDE by Kendrick Lamar.

I hum as his warm, gentle hand goes onto my covered thigh that I wish was naked right now.

I place my red nailed fingers on top of his hand and move it up a little bit.

"Don't make me turn this car around," he says, causing me to laugh.

"We are already late,"  I reply.

He nods, "True."

We enter the earthy atmosphere of the brunch restaurant, and we immediately spot Inez and Will, causing me to smile widely.

"Why the fuck is she smiling?" William asks Inez as we approach the table.

Inez shrugs, laughing.

"Hi," I smile as I hug William.

He laughs, hugging me back. "You're lucky you got irresistible ass hugs."

I laugh, "Thanks,"

I give Inez a hug too and she smiles, "Okay sit down now," she laughs.

I laugh too as I sit down beside inez and Kaiser sits on the other side of me, William is on the other side of Inez.

I pull Kaiser's chair closer to mine and I lay my head on his shoulder, taking in his citrus cologne.

He always smells so good.

"Do not get freaky in the restaurant," William says causing us all to laugh.

"Bruh mind yours?" Kaiser says as his hand grabs my waist. 

Amina and Sevyn come in and give us each a hug before sitting in front of William and Inez.

Then, the whole table is filled with the group.

All of us ordered mimosas for some reason, so we're a little tipsy.

After eating, we all talk for a little.

"Well no shit Klo," Sevyn says, they argue all the time.

Klover smacks her lips, "I wasn't even talking to you,"

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