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Mairi Ramos 2:30 PM

I chuckle as I fix my hair in the mirror

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I chuckle as I fix my hair in the mirror.

"Inez you're so fucking stupid," Sevyn says, laughing like the rest of us.

Everyone came over to my place to get ready for the event my parents are having at their house.

It's always a great time when I go to these events with them.

And this outing will get my mind off things, given the fact I feel guilty about cheating on Kaiser...Fuck.

My family will probably be wondering where he is. And then they'll ask me hella other questions and I probably won't have an answer.

I don't want this to be anything else but fun, I don't wanna stress about old news.

But my mom said only a fool would hold a grudge over old news. So maybe Kaiser will forgive me??


"So what's up with you and your newfound lesbian self?" Inez asks, sliding behind me in the mirror.

I laugh, spraying some light, Cherry-hipped perfume on my pulse points.

"Great actually, I wanna be Reina's girlfriend...but it seems like we're just fuck buddies who share interests and love things about each other." I accidentally spill.

Her eyebrows raise.

Amina comes in, "Well maybe you should express that to her,"

Sevyn nods, standing beside Amina. "Ask her where it's all going,"

"Right," Amina agrees.

I sigh, "Y'all are so right, I'm gonna ask her that next time I see her."

"And you're fresh out of a relationship," Inez adds.

"And it was my fault it ended," I sigh, shaking my head.

Maison, nods, flipping his locs. "Oh, I forgot to mention. He's coming."

My face immediately scrunches up as I feel a pit in my stomach.

Inez looks at him like he's crazy, "He who?"

I laugh nervously.

"Kai. Mairi, you told me that I could still hang out with him." Maison's trifling traitor ass says.

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