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Mairi Ramos 8:00Am

I wake up in my cold sheets with Kaiser no longer beside me.

I immediately check my phone, only to find a message Kai.

Kaiser: Getting breakfast.

I smile as I sigh with relief, throwing my legs over the side of the bed.

I'm planning on having a full day, maybe we can all get together and go to the club or something.

I play Ariana grande on the tv so that I can have motivation to get ready.

I replace my silky bonnet with a shower cap and turn the shower on.


I moisturize my body and get ready for the day. I put on a cute, black lacy dress that covers what it needs too.

I'm guessing Kai is already ready.

The front door opens, revealing him.

He sits the to go plate of food in front of me and he sits his beside me before he sits down.

It's like he's thinking hard about something, causing him to be quiet.

"What're you thinking about?" I ask, smiling.

He narrows his eyes, "What's going on between you and that girl??" He asks with contempt, "It was way too much tension and chemistry between y'all—it was like y'all were dating instead of us." He says.

I felt the tension too, but he doesn't need to know that. It's not like me and her did anything.

I furrow my eyebrows as if I'm confused, "The girl from the restaurant?"

He nods, "The one with all the tattoos—don't play stupid."

"I'm not playing stupid, I just didn't think too much about it...She's a stranger, and I've definitely done something like that in front of you before, so why are you tripping about her specifically—I don't ever trip on you like that." I say.

He nods, laughing. "Cause you don't give a fuck about me, you don't care if I were to go get another bitch."

I raise my eyebrows at his statement.

"What makes you think I don't care?" I ask.

"The way you're carelessly friendly with other people," he says.

"It's apart of my love language, I can't help it. Do you just expect me to just be mean all the time?" I ask.

"That'd probably be better than eye-fucking strangers," he shrugs.

I jerk my head back, "I can't do this with you right now." I say as I get up and grab my keys.

"Cause you know I'm right." He says.

I shake my head, "You know me and that girl don't have anything going on—I don't even like girls."

He nods, "I mean you said that Inez was your first kiss—I wouldn't be too surprised."

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