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My keys jingle as I turn them, unlocking the front door.

I sigh as I open the door and step into the cold house.

It's dark although it's still broad daylight, I can hear the shower running.

I place my keys and my purse on the kitchen island, then I take off my black heels and make my way to the room.

I should shower.

I walk into the closet and gather my sleep clothes.

"Where were you?" I hear Kaiser's, low, deep voice ask.

"I just went out for a drink," I reply as I grab the cute pajama set and some lacy panties.

He hums, "I apologize for the way I acted this morning,"

I turn around, frozen as I look into his soft, brown eyes. He looks so hot with the white towel around his waist, exposing his v-line. His moisturized body makes me wanna take all my clothes off.

I don't want to hurt him by telling him about me and Reina...I feel so sick...

"Thank you—I apologize too...I should've went about it a different way." I nod to myself, knowing I definitely should've.

He smiles, "Come here," he opens his arms.

I don't hesitate to hug him, wrapping my arms around his torso. He kisses my hairline as he gently massages my back.

I break the hug, "I'm gonna go shower babe,"

He nods, "Go ahead,"

He slaps my ass as I walk away, causing me to laugh. Although nothing should be funny with the secret I'm keeping.

I sit my clothes on the bathroom counter and close the door, locking it too.

I turn the shower on, making sure it's hot, then I strip out of my clothes and get in.

As the hot water hits my skin, I can't help but think about how hot I was getting when Reina was looking at me...

Pictures of her flood my mind, I can't stop thinking about how heated that moment with her was.

I pick up my hot pink loofah and pour the lavender soap on it before gently scrubbing my skin.

I turn off the water and wrap the hot pink towel around my soaking body.

After bathing, I moisturize my skin with cocoa butter, then I slip into my dark red pajama set.

I turn off the lights and exit the bathroom.

I hear a lot of commotion from the bedroom so I speed up my walking.

I open the door and see Kaiser throwing his clothes into a bag.

"Why are you packing?" I ask, but he ignores me. "Kai,"

He aggressively zips up the bag filled with clothes and grabs his stuff.

"Kai!" I raise my voice to get his attention.

"Mairi shut the fuck up! I shoulda never trusted your ass." He says as he snatches his charger out of the wall and stuffs it into the bag.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

He picks up my phone off of the bed and throws it at my chest.

Fuck, that hurt. I pick my phone up off of the floor and look at the open chat with "Rei."

Rei: I want you more than ever now, fucking was almost a bad idea...

I sigh, there's no denying...

"I was gonna tell you," I voice as I stand in front of the door.

"Yeah, right." He says as he carries the duffel bag and his phone.

"I'm sorry, we were both drunk—it was the spur of the moment and I was wrong..." I explain.

"Spur of the moment?" His face scrunches up. "Get the fuck out of my way."

"I love you Kaiser, I need you...don't you love me?" I ask as my eyes get watery.

"I do—don't start that bullshit. You're the one who cheated Mairi," he reminds me.

I sniffle as the hot tears stream down my face. "And I regret it—that's why I left right after—that's why I came back home. I didn't tell you right away because I didn't want to hurt you."

He sighs, placing his bag and his phone on the floor and pulling me into a comforting hug.

"I feel like shit Kai..." I whisper.

He holds me tighter, "You should." He whispers back. "Just come lay down." He says, flicking the lights off.


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