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I stand up straight from the floor and plop down on my bed, listening to the dreadful sound of my phone ringing back to back.

Shit, what am I gonna tell everyone about where I went? I can't even leave because I didn't drive here.

And how would I tell Reina that I tried to rekindle my relationship with my ex, and he rejected me so now I'm crying.

Did I do this to myself?

I just can't believe he could be so heartless, he doesn't even love me anymore.

Why did I even do this?

I slowly sit up as I wipe my wet face.

Luckily there's a bathroom connected to my room, I walk in and flick on the bright lights.

My face doesn't look bad, but you can tell I've been crying.

I try my best to fix it but I just make it look worse.

I have to go, I can't stay like this.

I flick the lights off and close the door behind me as I rush back into my room.

I tuck my dark hair behind my ear as I pick up my phone, scrolling through the multiple notifications from Reina.

She really cares?

I click a regular call notification and she wastes no time answering.

"What the fuck Mairi I thought you died," she says frantically.

I slightly laugh, "Damn near, but do you mind picking me up."

"yes, where are you, what happened?" She asks.

My eyes start to burn once again, "I want to tell you in person." My voice cracks.

"Shit, send me the address, I'm on my way." She says.

I nod, hanging up as I quickly type the address into a text and send it to her.

I should wait for her outside.

"I look okay enough to go outside right?" I ask myself as I look into the full-body mirror.

Fuck it.

I come out of my room and rush down the stairs, almost making it out of the door until someone grabs my arm.

"Why are you leaving so soon?" Klover's deep voice asks as she blows a thick cloud of smoke in my face.

I shake my head, smiling as I grab her fat blunt and place it between my lips.

I take a long drag and blow the same cloud of smoke in her face.

She laughs, "oh so that's how it is?"

I nod, laughing. "I just have a headache, maybe I'll be back later?"

She hums, "Bye babe," she says, watching me walk out of the front door.

I chuckle, I must not look that sad.

Reina pulls up just in time, and I get into her car.

She hums, starting to drive.

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