| chapter o.7 |

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"You have a fever again."

Yukie blinked, squinting against the lamp's harsh glow. A resigned sigh escaped her lips. She had a fever again after using her quirk. If Aizawa-sensei found out, she might be seen as a girl with a powerful quirk but a fragile body. Maybe he thought that the fever was her quirk drawback. Perhaps even labeled as one of his weaker students. Isn't this similar to Kaminari?

Since the school trip last fall, Yukie has been grappling with this weakness. Her body would inexplicably falter whenever she used her quirk, regardless of its duration. Fortunately, her parents thought she had a common fever.

Akame Keiji entered the room, bearing warm water and a compress basin. He settled on the edge of the bed, gently pressing the cool cloth against her feverish forehead. "How many times has Baba reminded you to care for your body?" he chided softly.

"I'm sorry."

Keiji huffed, his fingers ruffling Yukie's hair affectionately. He leaned down, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Rest well," he murmured. "Baba needs to head to the hospital; there's an urgent call. If you require anything, call Mrs. Yu. Baba will be back soon."

Yukie nodded, her eyelids heavy. Her body still felt weak, though not as incapacitated as during previous fevers. Back then, she'd been utterly immobile.

How ironic. She was the Uchiha Madara.

She raised her hand up to her line of sight, she could feel it. A feeling she didn't expect she would miss. After fifteen years, she finally felt it—the flow of chakra within her body. Yet, she couldn't fathom how she had acquired it. In this world, no humans possessed chakra.

In her previous life, chakra flowed naturally within every person. Although there are still a small number who do not have chakra at all. But back then, chakra permeated everything, a vital energy drawn from nature itself.

Yukie remembered the Sage of Six Paths —a figure shrouded in legend and mystery. Known as the progenitor of shinobi, he was even called 'God' by some. The person who created ninshu which later evolved into ninjutsu. While Yukie doesn't possess extensive knowledge of this ancient tale, certain scrolls suggest that the Uchiha clan traces its lineage back to him. So, are the shinobi all descended from him? Why are there some who don't have chakra?

Upon discovering her own chakra, Yukie noticed significant changes. She could sense the ebb and flow of chakra in nature —the air, earth, trees, and rocks all resonated with this energy. With chakra, her senses sharpened, allowing her to perceive danger keenly. Her power, her strength... everything was like when she was a ninja.

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