Wealth, Fame, Power

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Tayatizawa stormed into the nursery, where his wife was feeding the now 4 month old Tomo.
He slams the newspaper down onto a table in front of her.

"Can't believe we missed out on this, that pirate bastard Gol D. Roger started a new era, now the rookies are flooding towards Mary Geoise! This happened and we missed out on it just because you were pregnant with the child!"

Hakubi sets the bottle down, her eyes flicking up to the former, blue eyes appearing much older than eighteen. She knew if she spoke out of place, it could result in things getting physical.

"It's my fault."

"That's right, Hakubi. It is your fault."

"My apologies."

Tomo shifted to sit up, staring at her dad and cooing, something Hakubi could understand as a complaint. Tayatizawa's eyes squinted at the child, pointing at her.

"You're our bad luck charm, Tomo."

Who knows what it was, what compelled the infant to choose in that moment, to stick her tongue out at her father.

"That little brat—!"

His hand threw out to slap the child, Hakubi moving her out of the way in time for the blow to connect with her face instead of Tomo's.

"She's a baby! You could seriously injure her like that!"

Her voice snapped, without her meaning to.

"What did I tell you about doing that, Hakubi?"

His voice grew serious, lowering in pitch. The woman's face drains of its little color, looking down at the infant in her arms, the one she promised to keep safe from him, she had to think of a way to respond.

"I'm not sure what's gotten into me. If I can humbly request, please refrain from hitting our child."

The man leaves, clearly bored, saying goodbye as he stood in the doorway.

"Leaving, need to buy another slave."

She nods, looking at the child and wiping the blood from her mouth.

"Gol D. Roger... pirates... what a free way to live... I want you to be a pirate someday, and be free too. I may not be able to come with you, but as long as you're out of this nightmare, I couldn't ask for anything more."

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