The Lovely Hakubi

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Neko Hakubi. The name brought a sense of comfort to you, if you knew her. She was a lower ranking noble lady, living in a village not far from Mary Geoise. She volunteered to do odd jobs for her neighbors, earning herself a living at the young age of seventeen. Her peers were often starstruck at the sight of her, her white hair and blue eyes catching attention. She didn't want it, opting to work harder to make people stop worrying about her appearance.

"Why won't they see that it really isn't a big deal? My sister Sachiko never got the attention, so why me?"

Very humble, for a noble. But, she had every right to want to not be looked at. It was her downfall.

As the evening rolled around, Hakubi pushed the tip she received back into the old woman's hand.

"Really, all I did was clean your bathroom... I don't need an extra thousand berry."

She sighed, the old woman mimicking the sound.

"Oh, Hakubi... just take the tip! You could buy a drink with this money, and I'm sure it would benefit you, you're so uptight. You'll miss your childhood!"

"Really, ma'am..? If you insist... but only for this one evening!"

"Thought so. Be careful now, Hakubi."

"Will do, ma'am!"

The white haired grins at her, slipping her change into her pocket, as her soft and cheerful voice rang through the old woman's ears as she ran off.

"That girl... deserves a long and happy life."

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