The Ending of Your Happiness

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Entering the tavern, Hakubi felt a bit excited to spend some time for herself. She makes her way to the barstool, sitting down and slamming the change onto the table.

"Sir, I'd like something light, please!"

The bartender huffs, turning to face her.

"That isn't an order, 'Miss Something Light'... This your first time in a bar?"

She nods, a smile growing on her face.

"You can just surprise me then... nothing too hard though!"

He nods, beginning to make the drink, moving glasses around quickly and performing tricks as Hakubi clapped. He sets the glass down in front of her, taking his payment.

"Ooh, what's this...?"

"We call this Peach Poison." His voice seemed completely bored of the conversation. "Enjoy."

Hakubi takes a sip of her drink, he was right. It tasted like sweet peaches, while she knew alcohol was in the drink.

The sound of the door swinging open makes the white haired turn her head, as a taller man enters the tavern and she immediately recognizes him as a Celestial Dragon, due to his hairstyle. He watches as everyone gets out of their seats, bowing to him, while his eyes eventually lock on to Hakubi, sipping her drink, eyes wide and clueless.

He sits in the seat next to her, raising a brow,

"Why aren't you bowing to me? Don't you know who I am?"

She sets her drink down, realizing her mistake, and she shifts to bow upon being stopped by the man grabbing her face.

"You. You're pretty. I will take you back to Marie Geoise with me and you will be my wife."

He seemed pleased with himself, however the look was wiped off his face with a sudden slap from Hakubi.

"Marry you? Like hell. I don't even know your name!"

His expression changed to that of outrage, grabbing both her hands and his anger dissolving into that of a smirk.

"Ohoho~ a feisty one... you're just my type~"

Hakubi's leg swiftly moves up, kicking his jaw and sending him to the ground.

"I have no interest in you."

"Wow... and strong too..."

"Damn straight."

He grunts, propping himself up on his shoulders, smirk growing again.

"See, the thing is, you can slap me, kick me, attack me all you want. But these people won't help you escape from me, because they know their place. Soon you'll understand your place as well."

He stands up, brushing off his clothes.

"My name is Allbright D. Tayatizawa. Respect me, as you cannot leave me."

With a scream and struggle from her, Hakubi was being carried to Mary Geoise.

"Why is this happening... why can't I fight back..? Struggle more, Hakubi... more, you can escape, you can... believe that you can..."

Her mind was cut off by the feeling of sedatives taking over her consciousness.

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