Explore! The Village of Music, Luffy Takes Interest!

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"Luffy, we're running low on supplies! We'll need to stop at the next island!"

The black-haired turns his head from his seat on the sheep head.

"Alright!! Take us there, Nami!!"

The ginger sighs, steering the ship based on her map. Now that they've added the newest addition to the crew, Sanji the cook, Nami had been irritated more frequently.

"Nami~!! I made you a refreshing drink to help your skin appear even more radiant and give you energy!!"

The blond swirls and twirls around, Nami grabbing the glass from him and sipping.

"Yeah, I'll need it, dealing with you..."

She huffs, interrupted by Luffy and Usopp yelling.

"Land Ho!"

She goes out on deck, hitting Zoro's head to wake him up before her eyes shift to the island, cheerful music heard even from the distance. The crew all seem to be wowed by the sight, Luffy deciding that he'll pick up a musician there.

"Perfect!! I wanted a musician and here's my chance!"

"We don't need a damn musician!!"

"Patty cake, patty cake—"

"Rira, I'm bored!!"

The younger child sighs, looking up at the brown-haired with disappointment.

"Oh, too old for that game..? I see, you are a big girl now after all."

Rira stands, helping the child up.

"What would you like to play, Chiyo? You say that the party is overwhelming you, that's why we're here on the beach instead."

"Well... I just don't want to dance..."

"Why not, buddy?"

The brown-haired tilts her head, looking down at the former.

"I can't dance..."

Chiyo looks down, saddened. An idea pops into the olders head, a grin bursting onto her face.

"Then I'll just have to teach you!!"

The kid looks up, curious. Chiyo watches Rira step back, posing flamboyantly, or a more accurate description, ridiculously. Chiyo started to laugh, entertained by how funny Rira looked. Rira danced around, reaching for Chiyo's hand and soon they were both dancing. If you could call it that. They were both laughing, interrupted by Chiyo pointing out at the sea.

"Pirate ship!!"

She yells out with joy, Rira not nearly reacting the same way. She grabs Chiyo quickly, rushing behind a boulder and poking her head out, watching the ship get closer. It isn't long before the ship docks, five pirates taking land on the shore. Nami immediately notices a brunette hiding behind the rock, and locked eyes with her, Rira jumping in fear.

"You can come out, we won't hurt you."

Chiyo runs out first, making Rira run after her and stepping between the child and the crew.

"What the hell do you think you're doing on Hitori??"

She squints at them, trying to be intimidating.
The boy in the strawhat laughs, speaking.

"We're the Strawhat Pirates! We're here to get some food!"

His demeanor caused the lass to squint even more, backing up.

"How can I trust you? You all are pirates... you take and hurt people."

Nami steps up, speaking for the rest of them.

"Hey, we don't cause much harm, promise. We'll get supplies and get out of here... by the way, my name is Nami, and that's Luffy, Sanji, Usopp, and Zoro. We don't bite unless provoked."

She tilts her head, seeming to soften at the cook's name, walking up to him, her apprehension falling off.

"Are you a cook at Baratie by any chance?"

He nods, smiling warmly at her.

"Yeah, how'd you know, gorgeous?"

Her face flushes, but she tries acting normal.

"Miss Kana brought some food over from the restaurant a while ago, and even though it was cold, it was super delicious! She says you were the one who cooked it, so thank you for the meal!"

She smiles at him, his eyes turning to hearts.

"It's no problem! I'd cook for you again if you wanted!"

"Okay, stop flirting with her, you don't even know her name!"

The ginger interjects, Rira tilting her head again.

"Ohh, I'm so impolite! Name's Suchuwato Rira, vice president of the Suchuwato Counseling Service!"

She bows, Chiyo now looking at them with more interest.

"Does that mean you can be our musician?"

The one in the strawhat asks, earning him a smack to the head from Nami.

"You idiot!! She's a counselor, not a—"

"I'm sure there's no need to hit him... he's just... a bit slow... But no, I'm not a musician, just a counselor."

"What's a counselor?"

"Someone who helps with people's problems, and helps them to have a brighter future!! The best job in the world!"

She grins, Chiyo tugging at her shirt.

"So now you're gonna act friendly? You were just calling them pirates!"

"Uh... they seem harmless..."

"It was the food, huh?"

The purple haired child looks up at her.

"No way!! I can just tell that they have good intentions."

She reassures, changing the topic.

"So you guys need supplies? What kinda stuff are we talking?"

Usopp, the man with the long nose, answers.

"Food, water, new clothes maybe...?"

"Well, Mr. Long-nose, we've got all that and more! Welcome to Ongaku Village!"

She beams, Usopp taken aback.


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