We Have to Run, to Save Her.

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When a child is put into a place to grow that isn't healthy, what usually happens? The kid is forced to grow up faster, and loses their chance at a good childhood. This is especially true when your dad is an evil shitbag and your mom is a victim who can't help you.

This brings us to our four year old Tomo, who is currently being used as something Tayatizawa can show off, but not with that blue eye. Currently that eye is closed and bruising, leaving tears in the child's eyes as she struggles to remain composed.

"This is Tomo, she's got blonde hair and brown eyes like me~ but some peasant kids beat her up, so you know.. kinda got bruised. But I had them executed."

The sound of her father's voice spun around her head, making her feel sick to her stomach, thinking,

"Why is he lying.. and saying these things like they're good...? Is this wrong...?"

She remains still, before being shooed away by her father. She walks off to the bathroom, sitting down in the floor, silent tears rolling down her cheeks and collecting on her outfit.

"It really hurts..."

Her mother Hakubi hears Tomo's voice and goes into the bathroom, sighing as she sees the black eye. She closes the bathroom door and gets an ice pack, placing it on Tomo's inflamed eye, earning a wince from the tot.

"Sorry... I'm sorry you have to deal with him, but we don't have a choice... he's trying to get you a brother, as well."


She seemed a bit amused at the idea at first but quickly realized that he would be treated badly like her.

"I don't want any siblings..."

"I know sweetie, but it isn't like your father to take no for an answer."

"Mother... is this normal..?"

Hakubi tilts her head in slight surprise.


"A father hitting the mother and kids..."

Hakubi's eyes glaze over as she sits on her knees, looking down at her lap.

"No, Tomo... it isn't..."

"I knew it..."

The little girl's voice came out a bit softer, proud for guessing correctly yet uncomfortable at her mom looking so sad.

"We should run away."

Tomo's voice came out more confident as she stood up, grabbing her mother's hands. What she thought would be a smile from Hakubi was actually a sob...

"We can't... it isn't that simple... I'm pregnant with your younger sibling, and if we run, we can't care for them..."

Tomo's brows dip, using her little hands to wipe her mother's tears away.

"After you have them. We have to run, to save them."

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