Allbright D. Rira: The Puppet Master/Blood-stained Snow

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The day of surgery arrived. Tayatizawa was out shopping, and plotting. He had discovered Sachiko's house, and had paid some workers to secretly watch for any signs of Hakubi and Tomo.

Tomo, waiting outside of the operating room, thinking about her new little sister. What would she be like? Would she be safe with Sachiko? Her mind was so full, and she couldn't hear anything around her, like TV static, almost.

Hakubi, slowly waking up to find her newborn baby in her arms, she holds her up quickly while calling out,

"Tomo! She's here!"

The now six year old child dashes into the room, looking at the brown haired baby girl being held by Hakubi.

"Wow... she's so cute!!"

She grins at the infant, before hers and her mother's expressions shifted to surprise when they watched the baby. She closed her eyes, opening her mouth and letting out such a happy laugh, her joy filling the room, leaving the setting sun to shame.

The formers faces both slowly smiled, knowing they had to get her out of this nightmare quick. Before the night could swallow the sun.


Hakubi said, instantly deciding on a name for her. Tomo nodded, accepting of the name.


"You know what we have to do, Tomo. Get your bag."

She nods, picking up a duffel bag she had packed a few weeks prior. Hakubi slowly gets up, fastening a cloak around herself and Tomo. She hands the newborn Rira to Tomo, and the infant snuggled closer to her sister, almost making the child cry. Hakubi takes the duffel bag from her child, holding it across her back.

"Mother, are you not taking the roller?"

"It would only slow us down. I'm strong, I can hold out until then."

She was referring to the IV, which sit in the corner of the room, unused. Hakubi opens up the closet, pushing back the wall and letting Tomo get in, following after her. They quietly walked through the passage, finding the exit and opening to the village, snow covered the whole area, making walking a bit harder. Sachiko's house was right on the outside, so it would just be a quick run, until the marines noticed them and a gunshot was fired into the air, and Tayatizawa's voice was heard from behind.

"Well, well, well... look who tried to escape..."

He chuckles, pointing his gun at Hakubi, firing again, hitting her shoulder as she falls to her knees, using her body to shield the girls. She grabs at her wound, squeezing it and clenching her teeth.

"Tomo.. I won't last much longer..."

Tomo's eyes widened, tears rolling down her face. Rira seemed to sense that sadness, her face scrunched up to prevent crying.

"Mother... no..."

"This isn't the end of the story for you, Tomo..."

She wraps her arms around the two, holding them in her cloak.

"You have to keep running... you need to be free... escape this place, Tomo... make sure Rira's safe too..."

She gasps, her breaths coming as a struggle to her.

"Go run... and never stop running... I'll be.. watching over you two..."

She kisses Tomo and Rira on the head, coughing loudly.

"Mother, I won't fail you... I'll make sure Rira has a good life... I love you, mommy..."

The youngster smiles a bit through the pain, taking off to Sachiko's house, holding Rira in her arms.

"I love you too..."

A second gunshot is fired, straight through Hakubi's heart, as she falls limp against the snow, staining it red.

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