Chapter 3

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Authors POV

Shubhman and Ishan quietly
entered that hotel and saw whole ict team is sitting in living room or waiting for them 🙂 (they are late)

Rohit: where were you both??(In angry voice)

Shubh: bhaiya didn't we told you we went for dinner with sara and Aditi (with smiley face but he is a scared cat from inside)

Virat: then why are you so late??

Ishan: bhaiya it's because sara and Aditi they started gossiping about something and we are late it's not our fault (openly telling lie and blaming poor girls)

Shubh facepalmed at ishan such lie.

And grabbing the opportunity here comes siraj with fuel to pour in fire .

Siraj : if they both were gossiping then what you both were doing there.

Yuzi Bhai joined in with

Yuzi: I think you were interested to hear their gossip. Otherwise you would have left from there but you didn't.

Everyone else were enjoying the drama

Shubhman and ishan giving death glares to siraj and yuzi

Rohit: they are right you both even have how much late it is??

Ishman: sorry bhaiya it won't happen again. ( With their puppy eyes)

Rohit: no sorrys you both will get punishment tomorrow you will do practice extra 1 hour . That's it now go and sleep.

Rohit left from there

Ishan and shubhman were looking at Virat now with hope in their even

Virat : don't look at me . I can't help you now .

Virat left from there too

Now kl Rahul came and put hand on ish and shubh shoulder and said

Ruhul: I am so sad for you.but you shouldn't have been late (in a teasing way)

After saying this Rahul ran away from there

And this was followed by other members too they teased ishman and ran away from there

Soon whole leaving room was empty only ishan and shubhman standing looking at each other with done faces

Watching ishan being sad
Because of punishment shubh came from towards ishan and back hugged him
Leaning his head on his shoulder he said

Shubh: let's go and sleep Ishu tomorrow we have to go for practice and then punishment.

Ishan: yeah let's go shubhi.

With this they went in their shared room and sleep (no other activities 🌚)

With Aditi and sara:-

Aditi and sara both were seat on bench facing sea
(They were at beach and it's a night time)

Aditi: it feels good right.

Sara : yeah . You know I always loved beach but I like to visit them during night time because it's so silent at that time.
Only ocean waves voices.
It feels so calm.

Aditi: I never thought we would be friends.

Sara : even I never thought this . I just saw you in magazines and in  some ads. I never expected to meet you in person.

Aditi: you know what. I just love your company.

Sara : me too .

They started sharing their life stories enjoying the cold breezes sharing some glances .

And then it was a good night for them.

With ishman

Ishan came out of the bathroom in just a towel wrapped around his waist.

Shubhman saw this view of ishan and can't help but gulped hard .

Shubh was sitting on bed and watching ishan was coming closer to him

Closer and closer

Now Ishan was so closed to shubhman that they could feel eachothers breathe
Shubhman's heart started beating faster and faster and ishan was closing the gap between them

Shubhman was having a hard time controlling his naughty hands and finally the control was loosed and shubh grabbed ishan waist

And then and then

Alarm ranged and shubhman's dream was disturbed (yes you'll it was shubhman's dream)

Shubh opened his eyes due to alarm and realised it was just a dream but his cheeks were all red

And turned his head to look at ishan who was sleeping peacefully

Shubh started smiling like idiot

Shubh in his mind
What was this dream and why am I blushing no no just stop it shubhman gill he is your bestfriend don't think that way

also shubh in his mind
But that moment was hot.
(Guys it's THE shubhman gill🤷)

He started waking up ishan and thankgod ishan was finally up

Shubh and ish had their bath (seperately ok)
And then their breakfast

But shubh was still thinking about that dream he tried to ignore it but now way it is leaving him

After a while

Ict was practicing on the ground and after practice it was ishman punishment time but they convinced Rohit bhaiya somehow that their practice was cancelled both were happy that their punishment was cancelled
and other members were like 😑 yaar shit acha khasa drama cancel kar diya

It was finally dinner time

Dinning table was filled with jokes and laughs.

Dinner was done
everyone went to their respective shared rooms

In ishman room shubh was sitting on bed alone because ishan went to take a bath

Shubh was still thinking about that hot dream

Ishan started calling shubhman from bathroom

Ishan: shubh..
(No answer)

Ishan: shubh...
(No answer again


So here's the chapter 4 hope you all like it

Please ignore spelling and grammatical mistakes

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