Chapter 4

406 19 1

Authors POV

With Ishman:-

Ishan already called shubhman 2 times but shubhman didn't answer him

Now Ishan called shubhman in a loud voice

(Almost screamed but shubhman didn't answer)

Ishan finally decided to come out of the bathroom

He came out of bathroom in only towel wrapped around his waist

He saw shubhman is sitting on bed mostly zoned out

He came near shubhman and hit his head not so hardly

But shubhman was back in sense due to that hit

Shubhman looked at ishan
And asked

Shubh : what happened ?? Why you hit me??

While saying this shubhman realise that ishan was just in a towel and his gaze shifted on ishan's bare chest

Shubhman licked his own lips at such breathtaking view

Ishan: what you mean why I called you so many times but you didn't answer

Shubh: why you were calling me inside the bathroom?? (Asked with mischievous smile)

Ishan: i forgot my clothes outside so that's why I was just asking you to give me clothes (replied innocently)

Shubh: ooh ok! Well you look much better like this 😜 (said in a teasing tone but shubh was so honest while saying this)

Ishan: just shut up ok (ishan was actually blushing now)

Shubhman was loosing control of his horny self because ishan was looking damn sexy (shubhman kept staring at ishan's bare chest)

Ishan went near cupboard to take out his clothes

He choosed some comfy clothes to wear and was about to close the door but his finger got stucked in the door

And he hissed in pain but that came out more like a moan.

At this point shubhman loosed his all control

Shubhman in his mind:-
(That's it now I can't control myself anymore)

And he went to ishan hold his shoulder and pinned him on cupboard

Ishan: what you doing shubh??? (Said due to sudden action of shubhman)

Shubh : it's your mistake why you looking so breathtaking ishu (said with cold voice and lustful eyes)

Ishan was so shocked but didn't wanted to move

Shubhman's right hand was holding ishan's nape and left hand holding ishan's bare waist

Shubhman was closing the gap between them

Ishan: JUST STOP IT SHUBHMAN (slightly screamed)

Shubh: sshh (while putting his finger on ishan's lips to make him stop talking) don't scream Ishu and if you're not liking this then why don't you move by yourself (said with a smirk) if you don't like it you would have push me till now (smirk not leaving shubhman's face)

Ishan decided to move but somewhere he didn't want to move at all but still he tried to push shubhman

But shubhman's grip tighten and he started leaning closer to ishan to join their lips

But suddenly someone knocked their room door and their movement was disturbed again.

After hearing someone knocking shubham closed his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth in frustration.

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