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Authors POV:-

In ict hotel

Shubhman was sitting near swimming pool his legs were in pool.
Ishan's words were been chanted in his ears

His eyes were all red due to crying he was looking at pool blankly.

Rahul shreyas and hardik came to him and sat beside him.

Rahul: I can understand your pain shubh but you have to understand he has a choice too.

Shreyas: yess why don't you just move on ... I know it would be difficult but atleast try.

Hardik: shubh even Ishan is feeling sad for you but why don't you understand.

Shubh: I think you are right Bhai... I should moveon
(Said while a emotion less voice)

Rahul: good boy you are a champ shubhi c'mon..
(Said with a soft smile and energetic voice)

Hardik: yess let's go and have dinner.

Shubhman will never force ishan for this even if he want to his heart will never allow him to do but the anger in him is not gone yet.

Ishan was sitting lifelessly on sofa (he was in living room)

Rohit: baccha it's ok you haven't done anything wrong.

Ishan: bhaiya but shubhi...

Virat: we know he is hurt but see he will come to you in just 2 to 3 days.

Bumrah: yes Bhai is right we all Shubh can't leave without you.

Siraj: yess c'mon hyped up now.

Ishan: he will never come back.. I know
(Started crying)

After convincing ishan he stopped crying and every one was sitting on dinning table for their dinner.

At dinning table:-

Everyone were happy their meal quietly no jokes no smile no laughter just an awkward silence.
Ict never faced such silence but ofcourse their sunshine's were sad.

But after some time shubhman breaked the silence and said

Shubh: Rohit bhaiya I want to change my room.

Ishan just widened his eyes at shubhman but he can't say anything because he is the reason for shubhman's this decision.

Rohit: ooh ok in which room you would like to shift??

Shubh: bhaiya I will be staying with yashasvi.

That's it ishan can't take this that shubhman is sharing room with yashasvi.

Ishan banged his hand on table and stand up from his chair and straightly looking in shubhman eyes

Ishan : WTH WHY YOH WANT TO SHARE ROOM WITH YASHASVI(screamed at shubhman with anger in his eyes)

Shubhman was avoiding ishan eyes and replied while looking at Rohit

Shubh: bhaiya am I not allowed to share room with yashasvi??

Rohit: yes you are and ishan just sit down on your chair.

Ishan: I can see how weak he is he can't even digest one rejection (said with a  sad chuckled and bitterness in his voice)

Now shubhman can't take it anymore and he stand up to from his chair looking directly at ishan.


shubh: and why does it bother you if I am sharing room with yashasvi.

Ishan: don't you think you are making a big issue of this and about falling in love I didn't ask you to fall for me it was your choice..

Shubhman was taken aback by ishan's such statement but still he replied.

Shubh: so now I am choosing to move on and this how I do it. Understand.

Ishan: do whatever you want.

With ishan took his plate in his hand and went in living room to eat cause he don't want to seat with shubhman anymore.

Rohit: ishan ishan

Even shubhman took his plate and went in his room

Rohit: shubhman..... Yeah bacche bhi na ( said with disappointment and facepalmed)

Virat: everything will be fine let's just pray for it (said while tapping on Rohit's shoulder)

After having dinner everyone were in their room.

Ishan's roommate is Surya Kumar now as shubhman is sharing room with yashasvi.

Ishan was lying on his bed and Surya entered in room with his suitcase which was in his previous room.

Surya started unpacking his suitcase to keep his clothes in cupboard.

Ishan: Bhai I will help

And went near Surya to help him

Surya : ooh thanks

They were doing the work there was a silence but Surya decided to break it and he asked ishan.

Surya : Ishu can I ask you something??

Ishan: ofcourse bhaiya..

Surya : at dinning table when shubh said he want to change the room and want shift in yashasvi's room. you became angry at his decision.

Ishan: yes

Surya: but for what exactly you were angry??

Ishan: what you mean??

Surya : I mean that were you angry that shubh was changing his roomate which was you or were you angry that he is shifting in yashasvi's room now???

Ishan don't haa e any answer for Surya's questions

Ishan : I don't know bhaiya  (he just shrugged off the topic)

After sometime they were doing with their work and they went to sleep

Ishan was lying on bed thinking about shubhman
And then Surya's question popped up in his mind

Ishan in his mind:- i don't know exactly why was I angry..... but shubh didn't have to go in yashasvi's room there were many other rooms too but why yashasvi I just want to bring him back

{Ishan was angry because shubh is sharing room with yashasvi or more than that you can say he is jealous}

Next day it was India's match and every one was well prepared to win


So guys here's the chapter-7 I know it's too short but I updated it

Please ignore spelling and grammatical mistakes

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