Chapter - 6

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With sara and Aditi:-

Sara and Aditi were sitting in a cafe after choosing some fabrics for Aditi's clothes.

A waiter arrived at their table to take their order.

Waiter : mam what you would like to have??

Aditi: what you want sara ??

Sara : a capachino..

Aditi: ok so 2 capachino please.

Waiter: anything else mam??

Aditi: no it's fine.

Waiter went away to bring sara and Aditi's order and suddenly it started raining

Sara was watching the rain through window and Aditi's gaze was fixed on sara.
Sara can feel Aditi's soft gaze on her.

Sara looked at Aditi and said

Sara : Aditi why don't you look at rain?? it's so beautiful..

Aditi : but what if I found you more beautiful than rain
(Said with a soft but attractive smile)
And leaned forward to sara

Sara Looked in Aditi's eyes there were many emotions
There was a longing in their eye contact no one wants to look away they were looking into each other's eyes.

Waiter came there with their order and speaked

Waiter: mam your order

No one replied.

(Said kinda loudly)
Which bring them back in their sense)

Sara : o..oo..ooh yeah please keep it here
(Said while pointing towards table and she was shuttering while talking)

They started drinking their coffee.

Aditi: so you love rain??

Sara : yeah so much..

Aditi: wanna go and play in rain
(Asked while smiling widely)

Sara : no I just love to watch it you know when I was a kid and if it rains I used to seat in balcony and just look at rain cold breezes hitting your body lightly ut used to feel so good.

Sara started telling Aditi  so incidents of her childhood and Aditi kept admiring her with a smile.

In ict hotel:-

Shubhman was coming in living room where everyone were present..

Shubh: hey everyone!! Morning ☺️

Everyone: morning shubh..

Virat: why you called us here ??

Rohit: and where is ishu??

Shubh:He is sleeping.... actually I wanna tell you all something..
(Said while sitting with them on a sofa)

Siraj: what is it shubh??

Shubh: soo I realised it that I love ishan...not in a platonic way in a romantic way.
(Said with nervousness)

Yuzi: it's a good news but also a late news shub..

Shubh: what you mean??

Rohit: we mean that you were being so obvious whole time..
(Said while raising his eyebrows)

Shubh: ooh
(He don't know what to say because his team has already guess his surprise)

Rahul: so how it all started??
(Asked excitedly with a big smile on his face)

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