Chapter - 11

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With ict

Jadeja: I am warning you all to never go in ishman room.
(Said while huffing)

Bumrah: what happened???

Jadeja: I saw something that I shouldn't.

Bumrah: you saw what???

Jadeja: I saw that .......ishan and shubhman were not wearing their shirts and....... ishan was on shubhman's lap and ........

Yuzi: ok ok stop I can understand your situation now..
(Said while stopping jadeja)

Yuzi: but seriously they haven't done anything wrong.

Hardik: yess. They were doing their things in their room..

Jadeja: I know but......but you know there are basic knowledge of locking the room door while doing such things..

Virat : ok ok guys so I think.... Now for bringing them down we have to call them by phone....Right.

Rohit: yess vi call anyone of them and bring them down.and keep the call on speaker

Virat choose to call shubhman..
After 3 to 4 rings shubhman received the call .

On call:-

Shubh: yess bhaiya. What happened???

Virat: ahmm baccha when you both will come down??? We are getting late.

Shubhman don't know to answer because he doesn't want to leave at all because ishan is sitting on his lap. {you remember their position right from last chapter}

On the other end of the call which means in  ishan and shubhman room the call was on speaker there too.

Shubhman don't know what to reply to his bhaiya so ishan took phone from shubhman's hand and started talking with Virat.

Ishan: bhaiya we will come later you all can go ahead..

Virat: you sure??

Ishan: yess bhaiya..

The call ended.

In living room where everyone are instead of ishman.

Rohit: so what now are we leaving without them??
(Ask while looking at everyone)

Siraj: they asked us to leave so we should get going..

Yuzi: yess even Aditi might be waiting for us all.

Rohit: ok then let's go..

Ict left for Aditi's birthday party.

In ishman room:-

Shubh: we will come later huh 😏
(Said while smirking)

Ishan: you just be quiet.
(said in a shy tone and his neck lowered)

Shubhman hold ishan's chin and make him look up and kissed his lips.

After tasting his lips for mins he again came down at his chest and now started biting ishan's left side nipple..

Ishan: aaahh gill slow down.
(he started moaning again)

Shubhman kept biting and sucking ishan's nipples.

Ishan: aaah please no ......aaaah .....stop it....aaah. Daddy please.

Shubhman's was paused for a while after listening the world 'DADDY' from his ishan he looked up at ishan's face slowly.

Ishan widened his eyes too after realising that what he has said they both were looking eachother in shock . Then shubhman speaked.

Shubh: baby now you are not going anywhere.
(said with a evil smile)

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