Chapter 163 : Truth Comes Out

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"May I tag along?" Shivaya asks Draupadi.

Draupadi hesitates, "Putri, will you be able to stand there?"

"I will," Shivaya looks between Yudhisthira and Draupadi.

Surprisingly, the moment Draupadi and Yudhisthira embraced each other the atmosphere turned to so soft and gentle. Shivaya might be mistaken but she doesn't feel an ounce of dread from Yudhisthira. Might be because of Samragni but she didn't feel the fear anymore.

Three of them walks to the royal chamber.

Shrutakarma looks at Shivaya and Shivaya looks at him. Shivaya tries to flash him a smile but fails. Again...the fear returns...

She unknowingly scoots closer to Draupadi who in return embraces her to her body.

"Vasudeva, what's happening?" Yudhisthira breaks the ice.

Prithviraj is in a corner tied up. Maharaja Rajan, Maharani Prisati and Agnivarma are equally confuse. Bheema and Arjuna are too angry to speak. Nakula and Sahadeva are in a state of disbelief.

If looks could kill, Prithviraj would have died 11 times already the way Satanika is glaring at him. Kuhu is sitting in the bed nervously looking at everyone.

"Something really sinister and vile happened and a lot of people got involved. A very disgusting accusation was made about my nephew," Krishna states.

"Dwarkadesh, I confessed to you. Will you still hold me accountable for that? I asked for your forgiveness," Prithviraj speaks.

"You don't need my forgiveness, boy. Not every sin can be forgiven," Krishna states sternly.

"What are you talking about? What did you do?" Maharaja Rajan asks his son.

Prithviraj refuses to speak for a time being. Still looking at Krishna with pleading eyes.

Draupadi's heart thumps in fear as she looks at Shivaya. God Forbid! God Forbid!

Is her own brother....'s can't be. Draupadi scolds herself in her mind.

"Bhrata..." Shivaya acknowledges her brother is surprised state.

Why is her eldest brother tied up?

"Vasudeva, I didn't.... succeed...anyway...Can we not..." Prithviraj again pleads.

"Kuhu," Krishna pats Kuhu's head, "Putri, speak without a fear. What happened to you. What you know."

Kuhu looks at Shivaya conflicted for some time then begins, "It was late at night and as per my schedule I was moving towards Rajkumari's chamber. I was a bit late because I ate late that night .....and when I arrived there ..."

Kuhu hurries to her step as she is already late. Did Shivaya fall asleep? Did she make her bed without her?

She stops to take a breath in the third floor balcony from where she can see the door of Shivaya's chamber.

She is shocked when a young man whose face is covered enters the chamber. She frowns. It can't be Shrutakarma. Despite her princess and Shrutakarma being close, her princess won't ask him to come so late at night.

One stays out to guards looking around. Shivaya didn't know what to do. No man is supposed to enter the women wing. Who are they? She didn't know whether to keep an eye on them from here and send guards or go there herself.

She was alerted when the loud bell rings throughout the wing. Rajkumari is in danger!

She doesn't waste time anymore. She runs from the third floor chamber. As she arrives there, she finds Yuvraj Prithviraj seriously conversing with the earlier two men.

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