Part 1 Chapter 1: Ikka Masu

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(Ikka P.O.V)

Thank carp, I'm finally old enough to do those turf wars. My parents have always taught me to be careful in an inking space, but now that I'm old enough I wanna take chances. And Inkopolis isn't far from my new apartment, so it's not a far walk. Besides, my dad used to compete in Turf Wars, although he wasn't very good, he just did it for fun. He gave me his Splattershot Jr before I left, and I still treasure it to this day, so as I ink up the back alley to practice my swimming, I put on a song by my favourite artists, THE SQUID SISTERS! I've been a fan since they arrived on the scene, and they never dissappoint, if only I could meet them one day, I hear they treat their fans like equals, AWESOME!! Anyway I keep on swimming, and eventually I find Inkopolis, and I see a bunch of Inkling lining up to compete, I'm a little nervous, not gonna lie, but I'm ready. So when my turn finally arrives to sign up, I grab the pen and sign my name. Judd was presiding over the whole thing, and he read my name aloud, "Ikka Masu?" he asked, "That's me, I just turned 14, so I'm new to this" I say honestly, "I can see that, you're fresher than my litterbox, but you look ready, good luck squiddo" he said and I thank him by bowing, and I run into the lobby.

After a few Turf War battles, I was beat, i won a few, but lost others, but I didn't care, the rush kinda gave me an anxiety attack, so I had to back out for awhile, Judd did tell me to take it slowly when you're new. So I sat down near ammo knights to eat my burger. That's when a familiar logo came upon the billboard, I watched in awe as two familiar faces came upon it. "Hold onto your tentacles!!" "Its Inkopolis News Time!" It was Callie and Marie themsleves, the Squid Sisters were doing the news?! That I didn't see coming, I watched as the battle stages were unveiled, I couldn't wait to start again after my burger, but then something else happened. "NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH!!" Callie yelled, "What is it?" Marie asked in her signature calm manner. A picture came up of the great zapfish I saw earlier, "Inkopolis's Great Zapfish has...VANISHED!" Callie yelled, her face was filled with shock, "Wait, seriously?" Marie asked, her face also filled with shock, but still retaining that calm demeanour. Callie started getting worried, "If it isn't recovered soon, aren't we gonna lose power?" she asked, nearly panicking, but Marie grabbed Callie's shoulders, "I'm sure it'll be fine...probably" she said while looking like a detective, I always loved how their conflicting personalities worked together, Callie was always free spirited, while Marie was always poised and reserved, but I love how they work well together, it's like they're actually sisters, while everyone knows they're actually cousins.

"I wonder if it had anything to do with that UFO crash?" Callie wondered, sporting an angry face, "Sounds likely to me" Marie said sporting that same detective look. But soon their looks vanished, and they returned to smiling. "Well. That's all for now. Until next time..." Callie said, I smiled as I knew what was coming next, "STAAAY FRESH!" they said and the two of them did their signature hand motion. I smiled as I finished my burger, "Hey there, are you alright?" i heard a voice, I turned and saw a little guy walking out the store, "I'm fine, just a little worried about the zapfish" I said honestly, "I'm Sheldon, come inside" he said inviting me in, "Thanks, I'm Ikka" I said and we shook hands, "You seem new here, how about I show you around?" he offered, I nodded and we took a walk around the plaza, "Yep, all these stores are snobbish, they won't help you if you're not fresh enough, but it looks like you are to me, and up there is the battle zone, where you can train. And even Callie and Marie are up in their studio all the time up there, people don't usually bother them, but they do love interacting with their fans." Sheldon said, "Oh that's a relief, I didn't wanna come across as a fansquid" I said jokingly. But Sheldon was looking at something else. "Uuh, who is that?" I asked, we saw a man coming out of a drain, he was older than my grandparents, or at least he looks it. "Pay him no mind, I gotta get back to work, feel free to visit Ammo Knights" He said, but before he left, I grabbed his hand and wrote my number on it, "Just so we can talk, you're my first friend here, Thanks Sheldon" I said before walking off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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