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James Potter was sitting with his best friends Sirius, Remus, and Peter in the great hall.

"I'm telling you guys....this is the year Lily-flower will agree to go out with me! I can feel it!"

Sirius laughs at his friend. "Just give up already, mate. She is too good for you!"

James smacks him on the arm. "She may be too good for me, but she will be with me. I can feel the chemistry."

Everyone was eating a talking about their plans for hogsmead when a bright light appeared in the great hall. When the light dimmed, a letter fell on Professor McGonagall lap.

"Dear students and staff of 1978 Hogwarts,

We hope this letter finds you well. We write this letter to you from the year 1998. The second wizarding war is over, and the Dark Lord has been defeated.

While we are happy with the victory, we have learned that this may have been prevented and many lives spared.

A group of us from the future (who many are your kids) will be joining you tomorrow to watch memories of the girl who lived.

Signed - The Future

P.s. You can't stop this now, Dumble-dick.

Everyone looked at each other. There was another Wizarding War in the future, lives were lost, and apparently, someone hated Dumbledore. The greatest and wisest wizard there ever was.

"What do you think they meant when they said "the girl who lived?" Remus asked his friends.

They all shrugged. One thing they did know is that tomorrow would be interesting.

*The Next Day*

Students had been directed into the great hall to be ready for the arrival of the mysterious future visitors.

Dumbledore had been at his seat at the staff table.  He looked....angry. no one had ever seen him like that.  He was always the happy grandfather with the twinkle in his eyes.

Everyone had taken a seat when the door began to open again to reveal the guests.

The 6 guests stepped inside the great hall.

"Hello, everyone. I'm assuming you all heard the letter that was sent? Let's introduce ourselves."

"I'm Hermione Granger, I am a miggleborn, so you would not know of my parents."

"I'm Neville Longbottom. My parents are Alice Fortescue and Frank Longbottom."

Alice grabs Franks hand. "Look at our baby. He is so hnadsome."

"I'm Luna Lovegood. My parents are Pandora Patrova and Xenophilius Lovegood."

"We have a daughter?" Xeno looks at Pandora.

"George Weasley. Son of Molly Prewett and Arthur Weasley." His arms were crossed as if he was annoyed.

"I'm Draco Malfoy. Son of Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy."

Narcissa ran to her son and pulled him into a hug.

"Pleasure everyone. I'm Amelia Potter. I'm the child of James Potter and Lily Evans."

James jumped onto the table. "Woohoo, I got Evans and a beautiful daughter!"

Mia couldn't help but smile. This was the first time she had met her parents in person, and her father was genuinely happy to have her.

"Well then, shall we begin. Oh, wait... Did Alastar make it?"

Mad eye Moody waddled over. "Present. What is it that you need?"

"Keep close to Dumble-dick. Wouldn't want him missing any part of the movie."

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