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"This is ridiculous Mad-eye! Dumbledore wouldn't do anything like this! He is innocent." Mia couldn't believe James Potter was still defending a man who caused so much pain and suffering.

"Constant vigilance, Potter!" Mad-eye shouted.

"You are so arrogant and blind dad! Part of me doesn't want to change the future. My Papa raised me well and to have respect for others. I'm afraid that you will set me up for failure if I am left in your care." Mia sneered.

"Anyone else see that sneer? That's definitely Severus kid alright!" Barty Crouch Jr laughed.

Severus and Lucius walked back to the main st and saw their kids standing by Gringotts.

"Papa! Are you ready to do some more shopping?" Mia bounced up and down.

He knelt down to her. "Uncle Lucius and I have some work we need to take care of. Would you be ok with going back to Malfoy Manor and playing with Draco?"

"Sure Papa. Draco? Is that ok?"

"Of course. We could go to the gardens. I know how much you love the lilies."

Lily looked at her daughter and smiled.

Mia mouthed "I love you." To her and smiled.

(Malfoy Manor drawing room)

"Ahh Lucius, Severus. Come to visit? I must say it has been awhile since I've seen you Severus. Your little girl Mia likes to come and entertain me." Abraxas Malfoy said.

"Father. We believe there may be another rise of the Dark Lord but we have found some information that we need help with."

Abraham look curious. "What kind of information?"

Severus pulled out the framed photo.

"*sigh* Well I'll be damned. It's been awhile since I've seen those faces." He said.

"So you knew them? Who are they?" Severus asked.

"Ominis and Penny. We were in Slytherin together. Penny was quite the adventurer and Ominis...well we were quite close with him being a Gaunt."

Severus was confused. "So he is a Gaunt. Mr. Malfoy there is no trace of an Ominis Gaunt anywhere and Penelope Lancaster dropped off the face of the earth."

"They both disappeared Christmas of 1929. However, 2 other people disappeared that night too. Their son Aseop and Aseop's godfather Sebastian Sallow." He explained.

"I don't know any of those names." Tom whispered.

"How do 4 people just disappear? Father we have reason to believe that baby Aseop...could be Tom Riddle."

"......it is."

"What do you mean I am?!" Tom yelled.

"You are sure? We were under the impression he was abandoned at an orphanage by who we thought was his mother, Merope Gaunt." Severus said.

"Because that's why happened!" Tom yelled.

"That is what happened. Let me explain the whole story."

"Please do!" Everyone says.

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