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By the time the cleansing was done, Severus had to practically carry Aseop out of Gringotts, but before they walked out of the building, he slipped on his father rings and had a new look to him.

"How are you feeling? I heard your screams from the hall. I didn't realize it could be that bad."

Aseop, who was pale, sighed. "Neither did I, but when you suck the crazy out of someone, it is bound to hurt."

"Let's get you to Malfoy Manor. You can recover there." Severus said.

All Aseop could do is nod.

The apperating didn't help him any. Now, on top of feeling drained, he was sick to his stomach.

"Papa? Who is this?" The sound of Mia's voice made Aseop straighten up.

Serverus mentally hit himself. He forgot she was here, too. "Oh, Mia, this is Aseop he's ahhh...."

"I'm your new brother. Your Papa is fostering me. It's lovely to meet you, sister." Aseop cut him off.

"Her brother?" The marauders and Lily said questionly.

Severus looked at him like he had two heads. He was gonna try to pull off as her brother?

"A brother?! Ohhh, I have always wanted siblings!" I have to introduce you to my friends when we get to Hogwarts!" She took his hand and was bouncing.

"Mia, Aseop doesn't feel well right now. I'm gonna take him to a room for him to rest." Severus said.

"Oh no! Do you need medicine? I can get a cold washcloth and soup! You need soup!" She was panicking.

Barty Crouch Jr started to pretend to cough. "Uncle Barty is sick, Mia. You can take care of me! Can I have some soup?

"No, he isn't sick that way. Just tired from his long trip." He explained.

"Oh, ok. Well, sleep well, brother! I will see you for dinner! We are having a big Christmas dinner!" She skipped away.

Severus looked at him, "Her brother, huh?"

"Well, she is a sweet girl. I don't see why she can't think of me that way. Plus, I just gave myself a cover."

He nodded. "I guess you did. Have you looked in a mirror yet? You do look quite a bit like your father now."

Aseop looked up and saw his slick back blonde hair and pale completion. He had to agree with Severusuntil he noticed his ocean blue eyes. "The eyes are my mother's, though."

"I have to agree with you. Why don't you rest for now, though? I will wake you for dinner."

Aseop had to have sleep for hours. He woke up feeling refreshed and light. He couldn't explain it. He wasn't exactly happy just as if yet, but he was on his way to it.

He entered the dining room where everyone was when he saw a red head run his way.

"Are you feeling better?" She smiled.

He smiled back and nodded. She was about to say something when Draco walked up to them and flung his shoulder around Mia. "Who is this, love?"

"Ohh, territorial Draco is out!" Sirius laughed.

Aseop heard the jealousy, but Mia certainly didn't. "He is my new brother Draco! Draco, meet Aseop. And Aseop, this is my boyfriend Draco."

Draco extended his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Aseop replied.

Mia grabbed Aseop's hand, "Aseop, come open presents! Papa said we are to celebrate tonight, so when can we return to Hogwarts in the morning to get you registered for school. Oh, I hope you are in Slytherin with me!"

He chuckled. "I'm sure I will be. I feel like Slytherin fits me well." Severus handed Aseop a wrapped gift. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"I technically have had this for a bit. I think it would also be better with you." Severus said.

Aseop unwrapped the portrait of him and his family and smiled. "Thank you. This is really generous."

Mia looked over and saw the portrait. "Oh, it's Ominis Gaunt." She pointed.

The 3 men were shocked. "Mia, how do you know Ominis Gaunt?" Lucius asked.

"I found a picture of him, a girl named Penelope, and a boy named Sebastian in the library! I was reading up on some history, and it was said that Salazar Slytherin not only had a chamber in the school but a scriptorum that was found by Ominis Gaunt and his friends." She said.

"Mia, could you show me this book when we get to Hogwarts?" Aseop asked.

She nodded. "Of course, brother!"

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