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(Diagon Alley)

Mia and Draco were holding hands while walking through the streets.

"Where should we go first Papa? Mia asked.

"I believe your robe fitting would be a good start. I need to speak with Lucius alone and you don't need us there for that."

She nodded. "Ok, Papa. I'll see you soon. Meet you Gringotts?"

Severus smiled and nodded.

Lucius and him ducked down into Knockturn Alley.

"Sketchy much?" You are still up to no good Snivellus?" Sirius taunts.

"What did you find?" Lucius asks.

"The Dark Lord or Tom Riddle did not exist before January 1st 1930."

The great hall was shocked at this information. Tom Riddle had been born December 31, 1926. It was common knowledge.

Lucius was puzzled. "That...makes no sense Severus we all know his birthday. We have seen his family tree as well.

Severus pulled out a sheet of paper that read, "Gaunt Family Tree."

"He is still listed here Lucius but look at these asterix. It indicates if a change has been made to the tree. Tom Riddle has one next to his name as well as his grandfather Marvolo Gaunt."

"So someone messed with a family tree? That's not uncommon in pure blood families if they go against the families beliefs and values." Sirius said.

"That's not uncommon among pure blood families my friend." Lucius says.

"I had someone her in Knockturn Alley research it to be sure and it wasn't changed by the family. The magical signature traces back to Dumbledore." Severus explained.

The movie pauses and everyone look to Dumbledore.

"What did you do Albus?" McGonagall was speechless.

Dumbledore tried to play dumb. "I don't know what they are talking about. I have done no such thing."

"Before we continue with the movie I would like to bring a other person in here." Mia said.

A bright light had appeared in the great hall. When it had faded who was there but Tom Marvolo Riddle.

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