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MONDAY MORNING, VENUS GOT READY for work surprisingly early. She hadn't been able to sleep properly and found herself awake and unsettled at six in the morning. Giving her way more than enough time to shower, get changed and eat breakfast with time still left over before she had to reach work. She felt like she just couldn't sit still, so finally decided to just head off.

When she was locking up her flat she heard a door open further down the corridor. Instantly knowing whose door it was. She glanced over, her eyes instantly locking onto Steven's as he sent her a sad smile. His tired, bloodshot eyes looking at her with so much guilt it finally broke down her barriers.

Venus let out a sigh. She pocketed her keys and walked towards Steven as he stood in front of his flat. Looking down at his shoes.

"You look tired," Venus commented when she came to stand next to him, surprising him that she didn't just walk past and ignore him.

Steven finally looked at her. Nodding, "Y-Yeah. I've been having trouble sleeping...Can...Can I show you something weird?" He asked nervously.

Venus instantly picked up on his strange composure as she slowly nodded. Worrying what he would show her whilst also being quite curious, wondering if it would give her the answers as to why he's been acting strange lately. 

She followed him inside his flat as he led her towards Gus' tank. She looked confused as he pointed at the goldfish. 

"What do ya see?" Steven asked her.

Venus frowned her brows, "Gus?"

"Look at his fins though."

Confusion washed over her as she leaned down to take a proper look at Gus. Her eyes spotting a normal looking goldfish. One with two fins.

"I thought you said Gus only had one fin?" She asked, standing upright again. She let her eyes wander slightly around Steve's flat. It was small but cosy. Apart from the bed with restrains. That certainly didn't scream cosy or comfort to her. She looked back at him with a raised brow.

His cheeks reddened, "I-It's for the sleeping problems..." He mumbled, gesturing to the restrains, "And, yeah. Gus had one fin. Now he has two, and-and please don't think that I'm crazy but something happened the other day..." He said, walking over to stand by his desk just behind Venus and the fish tank. It had papers strewed across it, books opened on random pages, pens lying in the middle of them, keeping them open. He told her about the Alps. The people trying to get something from him - he never specified what though - about a cupcake van he used to get away, how he didn't know how he got there or got back, he just knew that he got back on Sunday thinking it was Friday.

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