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WHEN THE FABRIC LEFT STEVEN'S body. He took Venus out of the bathroom and out of the museum, helping her walk due to the injury on her ankle. She let him take her back to Steven's flat. The whole journey she could feel her mind spinning with thoughts but her mouth didn't open once. She felt his eyes on her the whole time, causing a fire in her stomach. She only turned to look at him when he helped her inside the flat, bringing over a First Aid kit.

"So...What the fuck is goin' on, Steven?" She asked, unzipping her ankle boot and taking it off, taking her sock off after, wincing slightly when the material rubbed against the scratches, "Or not Steven? I mean, who even are you?" 

He took a seat next to her. Taking the First Aid kit from her as he began to clean the wounds, grimacing at how deep they were. She knew she would heal fast, but the deepness of them definitely wouldn't make it easy. As he cleaned it, he told her who he was. Marc Spector. Venus' mind instantly going back to the man with the cane having said that name when speaking to her. He briefly told him about the DID. That Steven wasn't always in charge of his own body. 

It all began to make sense to her. The weird behaviour from one day to the other. Like brand new personality one second to the next. The confusing forgetfulness of time on Steven's end. It all finally began to make sense to her. Although she didn't know anything about DID, Marc's quick explanation left her more informed than she had been before, which she appreciated. 

"So that's why he doesn't remember askin' me out," Venus commented, "Or the whole Friday-Sunday debacle."

Marc nodded as he wrapped her ankle in a bandage, "He can be stupid sometimes. Of course he never would have gotten the guts to finally ask you out. I mean, I waited for him to do it for over a year."

Venus bit her lip as she looked down. Not missing the way her heart skipped a beat. 

They stayed quiet whilst Marc finished up and zipped the First Aid kit back up. Standing up to put it back in the spot he found it in, making sure that nothing was out of place at first glance. Not needing Steven to freak out even more. 

"I'm like you now," Venus chuckled. Looking at the white bandage wrapped around her ankle, "What was all that even about? You're some sort of superhero?"

"I'm a knight," He said. Before telling her the story of how he had died, only to be resurrected by an Egyptian moon God. Fully healed and with his power of the Moon Knight suit and strength. 

Venus breathed out, "Fuckin' hell. Well, thank you for not letting us die in that bathroom."

Marc smiled a little causing her chest to feel warm, "How could I not? You still need to die in a blaze of glory."

Venus chuckled. Noticing how relieved he looked with her accepting him. His eyes sparkling when he heard her laughter.

"Wait, so it was you walking to the bus with me this morning?" She asked, pointing at him as she remembered their interaction. 

He nodded, scratching the back of his neck.

"God, this makes so much sense," She sighed. Nodding her head. She no longer felt like Steven was just stringing her along or playing around with one day flirting with her and the next being standoffish and shy around her. 

"What about you?" Marc suddenly asked, a teasing smile on his face, "Any secret identities?"

Venus' instantly straightened her back. A battle began in her head whether or not she should tell him about her past. But the way he looked at her, making her feel the safest she had ever felt in her life and the fact that he, himself, finally opened up about his DID and what was going on with him, she decided that maybe it was time for him to know. At least for Marc to know.

"Maybe, don't tell Steven this, at least not just yet..."

Marc sat upright. His eyes widening slightly. He hadn't expected for her to react in such a way to his question. It had been meant as a joke. But the look on her face told him that she too had her own secrets. 

She glanced around the flat and stood up, Marc's eyes following her every movement as she walked over to the rack of knives. She pulled one out and went back to stand beside Marc. She flipped it in her hand, holding onto the blade with her fingers whilst holding the handle out for Marc.

She nodded, "...Take it."

He reached out, clearly apprehensive. When his hand was wrapped around the handle of the knife. Venus grabbed his arm and pulled him up to his feet to stand in front of her. He watched her curiously, not knowing where this was going. 

"Right. Try and stab me."

Marc looked taken aback, "W-What?" He asked, chuckling softly. 

"Come on," Venus encouraged him, "Try to stab me."

Marc shook his head, he was about to turn away from her, wanting to go and put the knife away but she grabbed his elbow, stopping him. They stared at each other. Their eyes full of unspoken emotions. Venus felt like her heart wanted to leap out of her chest and fall right into his hands. 

She cleared her throat, "Trust me?" 

Marc nodded instantly. Despite her only knowing him as Marc for (officially) a few hours, he knew her for so much longer and trusted her with his life. With his and Steven's lives. 

"Good. Now then, try and stab me."

Marc sighed. But followed her instructions. But before the knife could even get within inches of her, she had already twisted his arm, kneeing his wrist to get him to drop the knife. Hearing as it clattered to the ground. She then jumped up, wrapping her legs around his neck and flipping his body down to the ground, rolling forward and back up onto her feet. When she was standing upright again, she placed a foot on his chest.

Marc stared up at her with wide eyes. His chest moving up and down fast as he tried to regain his breath and figure out what had just happened. It felt like in a snap of fingers, one second he was standing up and the next he was on the floor. Coughing slightly from having the wind knocked out of him. 

She grinned, holding her hand out for him to take as she took her foot off his chest, "You all right, sweetheart?" Venus asked. A wide grin on her face.

Marc chuckled as he reached up. Their hands clasping as she pulled him up to his feet. 

"I was a trained assassin," Venus explained, her face turning more serious. She bit her lip, worrying about what he was going to think, "I was a Black Widow. Trained in the Red Room."

Marc nodded understandingly. His hands flying up to Venus' arms. Rubbing her skin up and down. She felt like he left small fires with every tender touch. Her breathing hitching in her throat as he took a step closer to her. Their breaths mingling as their eyes stayed locked together. She had never felt so vulnerable in her life before. Vulnerable in a strangely good way.

"Thank you."

Venus furrowed her brows. Not understanding what he would be thanking her for.

"For trusting me," Marc clarified.

Venus nodded. She spotted his eyes briefly falling down to her lips. Her bottom one embedded in between her teeth. She felt like she could trust him with her whole life. Maybe Nick and Carol were right. She should try to live a little. Let someone - or a few someones - into her life. Maybe finally break down her walls finally.

"Right back at ya, Moon Boy."

VENUS [MARC SPECTOR]Where stories live. Discover now