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THE NEXT MORNING STEVEN WOKE up with a start. Fear filling his body as he leapt off his bed. Instantly falling down onto the floor when his ankle restrain kept him from running off too far. He let out a pained groan, his face pressed against the wooden floorboards.

"No, no, no," He groaned, squishing his face into the floorboards. Closing his eyes for a moment.

Finally, he let out a tired sigh and sat up. Pulling the ankle restrain off and storming into the bathroom. Looking at his reflection in the mirror. Trying to spot the other side of himself.

"You there?" He asked his own reflection. Glancing around the mirror but didn't see anyone other than himself, "Hmmm? No? Yeah, I didn't think so," He scoffed and turned away. His eyes suddenly widening when he realised that he wasn't alone at the museum last night. Venus. 

Without putting on his shoes or even changing out of his pyjamas he ran towards his door. Ripping the duct tape off the door and undoing all the latches. He swung the door open, hearing as it slammed against the wall but he didn't care. He had one person on his thoughts and would stop at nothing to make sure that she was okay. Sprinting to her door, his feet slapping against the floor. He banged his fist against the door over and over again. Not hearing any movement inside the flat. 

Tears pricked his eyes. His fist still banging against the door. His knuckles feeling raw. Steven felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest. He slammed his forehead onto the door as he stopped knocking. Tears finally running freely down his cheeks. Steven felt his knees buckling underneath him and he slipped down to the ground. Crying in front of flat number twenty-seven.

He didn't even look up when he heard the elevator ping and the doors opening. Until he heard footsteps running straight towards him. His eyes widening when he spotted Venus dropping down to the ground next to him, her brown eyes looking at him with worry. He noticed that her black hair was tied in two dutch braids, falling over her shoulders. She wore a black sports bra with some matching basketball shorts and trainers. She had some headphones pushed down onto her neck, he could hear faint music blasting through them.

"Steven? Steven?" She called his name, touching his arm as she sat down beside him. Fearing the worst as she noticed how distressed he looked, "Are you hurt? What's goin' on?"

Steven was speechless. His shaky hands reached out and cupped Venus' cheeks. Feeling her under his touch. Knowing that she was real and she was truly there made him sigh in relief. His teary eyes scanning her face and her whole body. Not noticing any injuries on her at all. She seemed fine, even her ankle did. 

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