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VENUS, STEVEN AND THE MYSTERIOUS woman all went back to Steven's flat with the duffle bag. It turned out that the woman was called Layla. She had been searching for him everywhere, trying to figure out if he was safe as she knew about the knight suit and some of the shenanigans he would find himself in.She was most certainly angry with him for not responding to her calls. Accusing him of using Steven as his fake identity and 'pretending' not to know her.

"They shouldn't be here. Get them both out of here, Steven," Marc ordered, glaring at Steven through the reflection on Gus' tank, if looks could kill Steven would be six feet under for sure, "You're way out of your depth."

Whilst Layla walked around the small flat, curiously looking around the area. Steven stood around, looking awkward and clearly still distressed with what had happened back at the storage lockers. Venus sat at the kitchen table. Tapping her fingers absentmindedly on the table, not even realising that Marc's reflection in the fish tank was staring right at her. Watching her every move and trying to figure out how to keep her out of all this danger Steven had unconsciously brought her into when he had asked to come with him to the storage lockers.

"I just want my life back," Steven sighed.

"Yeah, I'm getting that," Layla nodded.

"No, sorry, I wasn't talkin' to you, just talkin' to myself," Steven quickly told her, "Sort of."

"Uh, this is your flat, Marc?" Layla questioned, walking around more.

"Um, I'm Steven."

"So, you two live here together then?" She asked, looking between Venus and Steven, the latter of the two instantly turning beetroot red.

"I live a few doors down," Venus explained, gesturing in the general direction of her own flat.

"N-No, it's my mum's flat," Steven told her.

Layla looked surprised, "Okay, so you guys are talking again?"

Steven just stared at her, confused but nodded.

"Right, well, I needed to get this to you..." Layla said, walking over to her bag, a tired look on her face. She placed in on the table near Venus, careful not to hit her with it, as she began to rummage through it, "...It's all done. Finally. You need to stop sending stuff to my place though, unless you're willing to call me back and let me know you're alive every now and then," She said, passing him a few envelopes, all marked with the name Marc Spector on them.

"Divorced?" Steven asked, his eyes wide as he looked at the top letter. 

Layla nodded. 

"Marc divorced you?" Venus asked, her eyes wide, "Damn, what a stupid man. I'd totally sweep ya up."

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