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"STEVEN, WAKE UP! WAKE THE hell up!" Venus was still shaking his body. As time went on and Steven remained unconscious more and more panic filled her body. She didn't know what was wrong, and why he still hadn't woke up or made any sort of movement, "Steven? Marc? Anyone? Please!"

Suddenly, Venus' head snapped up when she spotted headlights shining, "Shit!" She said, looking at Layla, both women nodding at each other as they each grabbed one of Steven's arms, dragging his unconscious body back towards their vehicle.

Normally, Venus would have been able to do that alone, but with the injury in her shoulder still not healed, she was struggling to pull Steven's body. Her already-exhausted body wanting to do nothing more than to just give up and lie down flat on the sand. But she pushed through it. Needing to get him to safety, especially now when clearly neither him nor Marc were in charge.

Shots fired. Landing all around them in the sand. 

The shock from the sudden gunfire caused Layla to slip, as she began to roll down the dune, Venus used the last of her strength to push Steven down after her, watching in the darkness as his body rolled down to the bottom of the sand dune, where Layla used her hands to stop him from rolling too far and getting hurt. 

She heard the vehicle getting closer. 

"Venus!" Layla called out, trying to keep quiet but also grab the woman's attention.

"Save him!" Venus responded. She could bring herself to get up, her body feeling weak. So instead. She grabbed the dagger from her belt and undid all the hard work her body had been doing so far. Slicing wound on her shoulder to get fresh blood to seep out. She groaned in pain and wiped the blood around her, making the wound look even worse than it was.

She slit the dagger back into her pants and closed her eyes, laying as still as she could as she heard the vehicle nearing. She saw the brightness of the headlights through her closed eyelids and heard it come to a screeching stop beside her. She could hear men talking amongst themselves in Arabic, agreeing that they had killed her once they spotted the blood covering her upper body and clearly satisfied, they drove off.

When she knew the coast was clear, Venus opened one of her eyes. The headlights illuminated Steven's unconscious body still at the bottom of the dune. Then her eyes landed on Layla next to their jeep, a red flare in her grip. Pumpkin standing right by her side. She felt a smirk on her lips as she watched Pumpkin distract Harrow's disciples whilst Layla came from the back, throwing the flare into the back where it reacted with the explosives, blowing up the truck. 

Venus sighed in relief. Her head falling back onto the sand as her eyes closed again. She hadn't felt this level of exhaustion in a very long time. Her body weak from the wound she re-opened. She could feel blood seeping from it, staining Marc's shirt. But in that moment, she didn't care. They were safe and that's all that mattered.

Steven had woken up when the vehicle blew up. He staggered to his feet and walked up to Layla, a shocked expression on his face as to what he had just missed.

When she heard his quiet footsteps behind her, she looked at him, "What?" She asked, shrugging innocently.

Steven didn't respond for a moment. Just staring at her before he heard a quiet meow and noticed Pumpkin. His eyes widening in shock that the cat was there too. Then he realised the lack of a presence, "Venus?" He asked. His eyes looking back at Layla. Fear clouding them.

Layla looked up at the top of the dune. Her eyes widening when she noticed a body laying flat at the top. Steven followed her gaze. He felt his heart dropping into his stomach. Without thinking, and ignoring the tiredness he felt in his muscles, Steven sprinted up the sand dune, Layla hot on his heels. He felt a sob leave his mouth when he spotted Venus laying there. Her eyes shut. Blood soaking her left arm, shoulder and neck. He dropped down beside her. His head falling down onto her stomach, his whole body shaking.

"Steven?" Venus asked. Opening her tired eyes. Fighting her body to keep them from closing again.

He instantly jumped up. His teary eyes looking down at the woman, "V-Venus?"

"You're okay," She sighed in relief. 

He nodded, "But--But you're not," He cried out. grasping her right hand in his own.

"I'm fine, Steve, I just had to make it look believable," Venus explained, stoking his hand, hoping to bring some comfort back to him. Hating the fact that he was crying over her. 

"Oh, thank God," Steven chuckled nervously. Feeling relief rushing through his body. 

Venus smiled at him before she looked over her shoulder at Layla standing slightly further away, allowing the two to have their moment. Venus groaned as she tried to sit up, instantly Steven rushing closer to her side to help her up. 

She looked over at Layla, sending her a quick wink, "That was badass."

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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