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VENUS THREW HER DAGGER. WATCHING as it soared through the air, Harrow had no time to move out of the way as the blade sliced the top of his ear. As soon as that happened, his followers instantly kicked into action. Some of them trying to grab Venus, others trying to stop Layla and Steven and take the scarab from him. 

Venus grabbed her batons from her back. Using them as she cleared her path towards Steven and Layla, running after them whilst Steven looked back at her, worry and confusion filling his bones. Harrow slammed his cane down onto the ground, causing it to rumble as purple light emitted from it.

"Stevn, run! Go!" Venus yelled, pushing him forward slightly. But before they could round the corner, one of Harrow's followers suddenly came out in front of them, with Layla being the only one who had managed to slip past.

Instantly Venus and the man began to fight. Steven watching with wide eyes. Not having ever expected to see such a sight. Venus moved around skilfully, obviously this wasn't her first fight and it most certainly wouldn't be her last. He watched as she easily overpowered the man, despite him being taller and heavier than her. She knocked him out before grabbing Steven's wrist and pulling him along, the pair joining Layla who had just knocked a different man out to clear their path.

"That was awesome," Steven breathed out, looking at Venus with admiration in his eyes.

"Thanks," She grinned as they ran, feeling the ground shaking underneath their feet even more. She could faintly hearing Harrow speaking in an old, cryptic language. One she didn't understand. 

Layla led them into a different room. The three of them quickly bolting the door behind them before trying to look for a way out that would mean they didn't have to come face-to-face with any more of Harrow's followers.

Venus looked around, looking around confused at what the room was. It looked like a bunch of different sarcophaguses wrapped in sheets. The room looked creepy, the sheet wrapping making it look like they were bodies wrapped, ready to be disposed in a nearby lake. 

Steven looked around. His eyes wide, "I'm gonna die in an evil magician's man cave."

Layla walked over to him, "No. Hey, listen to me. Listen to me."

Venus' head snapped towards the door when she heard pounding on it. She could see shadows behind it, the door shaking and looking like it would just burst off its hinges at any given moment. She looked around, her eyes scanning the room top to bottom, looking for a secret pathway. But the only true way out was the door that they had entered through. 

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