1. He Owns!

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Author's POV

Rain was pouring outside, hitting on the roofs and streets with royal authority knowing that it had conquered the city for now.
The weather was angry and dark but she felt safe, knowing that she will go home late today. It somehow relieved her.

She wished for the rain to pour all night and spent the night in the library itself. Home never felt so scary before.

Old but fascinating music was playing in the back as she was noting down the entry of the books. She loves the smell and silence of the library. Since childhood she was fascinated by the books which made her choose her career as a librarian.
She enjoys it. Her personality is as poetic as poems hiding in the shelves and as honest as a novel written by a modest novelist.
She is soft spoken, has an empathetic heart and smells like fresh flowers.
Books are her first love and It makes her feel safe and complete.

It's almost ten in the night and the time of closing the library has already passed. But they couldn't close it as many people are taking shelter in the library and they can't just ask them to leave in heavy rain.

Her delicate fingers tapped on the keyboard as she gave another book to a boy who seems to be a student of the college which is just across the library.

He looked at her with a dropped jaw and she ignored it, she knows that people stare at her. And teenage boys like him seem to be more fascinated with her beauty. Before it wasn't a threat but now she feels terrified whenever someone looks at her with adoration.
It's dangerous! Not for her but for them. They are summoning their death.

She placed the book on the wooden counter in front of him with a deliberate thud so he comes out of his daze. He dragged his eyes from her face to her name badge.
Curious to know the name of the ethereal beauty in front of him.
He mumbled.

His eyes wandered on her long lashes which are not fake at all. Perfectly angled eyebrows, vibrant pink lips and there is no stain of lipstick. Her skin is so natural and healthy that it glows under the light and shows shades of pink on her body. Eyes are lotus shaped with the hint of green and blue, nose is carved with the utmost attention. Her shoulder length hair is like threads of silk, she could tangle anyone's heart with just one flip of her hair.
She doesn't belong to this era, her beauty is an epitome.

"Next, please!"
She ignored the mumble of the boy. She doesn't care how rude she might come out, it's for his own sake.

The person behind him pushed him out of the way.
"Keep moving boy, you are so slow..."
The woman behind him said irritated and finally placed her books on the counter.
"These are returns"

Aurora nodded at her and grabbed the books to check for damage.

"You are so beautiful!"
The woman said with a smile.

"Thank you"
Aurora replied with a straight face. She wanted to smile at her but couldn't, she was never like this. She used to smile and laugh with people but things have changed now.

"Seriously, right?"
Catherina jumped beside her with excitement.
She is the only friend Aurora has now. She joined as a librarian in the last few months. The girl with raven black hair and grey eyes with high confidence and bubbly nature.

Aurora had changed by then but Catherina wasn't affected by her dry nature, she just befriended her and Aurora felt relieved that at least she had someone by her side.

"Our Aurora is a brand ambassador of beauty"
She chuckled.

Aurora ignored them and just focused on her work.
"She is a bit focused on her work though... Don't mind her, she is just shy"

The woman smiled and left, letting the person behind her come forward.
"Aurora, can you check the last bookshelf... I am bored doing the same work for the whole day. I'll make the entries..."
Catherine requested and Aurora nodded before walking away.

She actually felt relieved when she walked away from the line of people and their gaze. She doesn't feel good when she acts rude to them but she is helpless. She is actually saving their lives.

She looked at the shelf which Catherine had left unorganised, Aurora shook her head disappointed and started organising it.

Her height is good with a slender body, so she never faces difficulties to reach out to the upper shelves.

She looked out of the window and rain had calmed down but it made her restless. It means she has to go home and face it. Her stomach churned.

she tried to finish her work as slowly as she could but it didn't help. Time is slower than her.

"Hey, Aurora... Are you done?"
Catherina asked.
"Come I'll drop you home... Let's leave before it starts pouring again..."

Aurora forced a nod. She doesn't want to go home but she has no choice.
Catherina smiled at her when she went to grab her purse in the staff room.

Aurora looked at herself in the mirror and fixed the scarf around her neck. She doesn't have the courage to remove the scarf in front of the mirror. It haunts her. Her soul screams in agony.

Her throat tightened thinking about going back home.
"Aurora, let's go!"
Her friend's voice broke her trance and she looked at her.

She sighed in defeat knowing there was no other option.

She followed Catherine out, leaving the coziness and alluring smell of the books. The harsh wind slapped her face when she stepped out of the library.

"Stand here, I'll bring the car"
Catherine said and walked away while she was standing there looking at the empty wet streets.
Her life is just as dark as the sky she is looking at now.

She flinched when Catherine horned at her and gestured to her to get in.

Aurora sat inside while hiding from the soft rain which is still in the air.
"I hate rain"
Catherine groaned and started driving.

Aurora was looking out of the window thinking why would Catherine hate the rain and nights like this. She doesn't hate it, it makes her feel fascinating and feels that stormy nights like this hold the stories.

There is no wrong to say that her story started like this only. That rainy night changed her life.

"Here you go!"
She frowned when she realised that they are already in front of her house.

"Thank you!"
She replied and got out of the car.

"Good night"
Catherine smiled at her and drove away leaving her alone in front of her house.

Aurora doesn't really feel good to come back to her house. It always gives her creeps.

It's a alone house at the south side of the town and other houses are a few miles away. People usually don't buy land here as it's believed that there was a huge graveyard here before the land owner decided to clean it for the property building but people refused to buy lands here except her grandfather who didn't believe in those things and built a house beside the street at a very cheap price.

She had no choice but to stay in the house after the mysterious death of her parents.

She walked inside the gate and locked it knowing it was of no use. When she entered the house, her heart picked up the race.

It's dark and she knows that he is inside. The monster who has turned her life dark and snatched the hopes of lights.

Nothing stops him, neither the heavy rain nor the locks of her house. He makes his way inside anyway. He owns it, he owns the darkness her house holds. He owns the fear that her heart holds. He owns her life.

He owns her soul!

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