5. Game!

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Aurora's POV

I dried myself and wore full clothes to hide marks on my body. I don't remember when was the last time I wore my favourite dresses. The thing is I don't even have my favourite dresses because he didn't let me keep any.

He let me walk out when he was done cleaning my body. I changed and quickly gulped down the painkillers. I can't work with the aching body all day.

I turned around when he came out with the towel hanging low on his waist and I looked down when he eyes met mine. My face held nothing but submission and I hate it.
My heart cries knowing that I can't fight against him.

He wore his clothes and I loathed the thing that now my house holds his things too. He comes and behaves like he owns it. He owns me.

I feel suffocation whenever he is around, whenever his eyes hold me captive. I constantly feel his hand around my throat.
My room is big enough to roam around without colliding with each other but he never likes when I try to distance from him.

My eyes followed his movements when he covered his back muscles with his shirt and buttoned it up with his ringed fingers. He looks royal from each move of his. Anyone could tell that he is a man who is grown up in the golden castle but then what made him so psycho? Why is he like this?

I refuse to believe that this man is a human and carries humanity. If he had even a bit of humanity inside him then he wouldn't be doing all this with me.

He fixed his hair and my eyes landed on his gun which he had kept on the counter. I stared at it.
It's not like I haven't tried to kill him, I did and failed miserably. It didn't turn out well for me. He made me pay for each and every drop of blood which escaped from his body.

That night still haunts me!

He was all ready in his polished shoes and expensive dark suit, I looked away when he grabbed his gun and I saw his footsteps reaching me. I was standing there like a slave he had purchased when he placed his gun under my chin and forced me to look at him.

My eyes were helpless and his were mischievous. He was mocking me.
"Wanna use it again?"
He smirked.

I struggled to shake my head under the gunpoint. His eyebrows scrunched as he grabbed my hair in a tight grip and I moaned in pain.
"If you don't want to use your tongue then tell me, I'll pluck it out for you..."

"I am sorry"
I cried in pain while trying to grab his hand and stop him but it was of no use.
"Please don't"

He sighed and scratched his forehead with the tip of the gun.
"Why do you piss me off,  Angel?"

"I am sorry"
I pleaded while holding on his hand which was ripping my hair out. He has made it clear that he doesn't like silent answers, he wants a verbal answer whenever he asks something and I don't understand how I can be so stupid to forget it every time.

He released my hair and I tried to gently rub my scalp to ease the pain, silent tears escaped my eyes as I stood in front of him like a scared cat.

He stared down at me while placing the hand on the wall near my face.
"I asked you something"
He sounded too calm for the anger he holds in him.

I shook my head furiously.
"No! I don't want to"
My shaky hands wiped my tears but it was of no use.

He stepped closer with the chuckle while caging me against the wall and grabbing my jaw in firm grip which hurts.
I blinked my teary eyes to look into his cold one.
"You are a terrible liar"
He whispered mockingly.

"I am not lying"
I sobbed.

"Tell me how badly you want to empty all the bullets in my head?"
He demanded an answer while gently caressing the strand of my hair after letting my jaw go.
"How badly, Angel?"

He caressed my trembling lips and I closed my eyes when his warm tongue licked my tears.

My body is now shaking and I can't even hide it. Why didn't he leave after taking out his anger on me? Why is he still here?

"I don't want to, please"
I pleaded.

He placed his forehead on mine and inhaled my scent, his stubble scratched my face as he rubbed his face on mine, if someone sees then they might misunderstand it as an affection but the reality is different.

"Looks like you need some motivation"
His breath fanned my lips and my eyes snapped open. He is not letting it go. He wants to play again and whenever he plays, I end up in pain. I don't want this now, not when I haven't recovered from last night's brutality.

I sobbed and cowardly backed up if that's even possible because there is a wall behind me.

"The rules are, if you give honest answers then I'll let you go and if you lie then I fuck you"
He stated and my stomach churned, I am already tired from last night. I can't, I can't take it.
"So tell me, Angel.. how did you come home last night?"
He started the game making my heart thud with every word of his.

I kept my eyes close as I had no courage to face him.
"Catherina dropped me"
My voice shook with fear.

He hummed.
"Right answer, good!"
He pecked my lips and scared me even more. Rafael is dangerous when he is angry but lethal when he acts good. It's one of his ways to play with his prey. He enjoys it.

"How many times did you smile yesterday?"
I know he knows, I don't know how but he has details of each and every second of my life. He is everywhere even when he is not around.
He doesn't like when I smile at anyone, not even women. He thinks that my smile should be only for him. He deserves it and no one else.

I shook my head.

He pecked my lips again telling me that he is satisfied with my answer.
"Good girl"
I trembled when he caressed my cheek with his thumb.
"Next question, how badly do you want to leave from here?"

I don't know why he is asking me this question but if I lie then he will find out and I don't want to think about the consequences. I have to answer honestly, there are hopes that he will let me go if I answer honestly but still, I can't predict him. He can do anything.
"Really bad!"
I mumbled praying that it doesn't piss him off.

He smirked.
"How much do you hate me?"

My eyes snapped open when he asked that. How am I supposed to answer this question. If I lie then he will make my day miserable and if I answer honestly then I don't know what he will do to me. I can't lie because he knows the reality. He might not show it but he knows that I hate him.

He smirked looking at me knowing that he had trapped me.
"As much as you hate kindness"
I replied and he chuckled loudly. I don't know if I pissed him off or not but he does hate it when someone shows kindness to anything or anyone. I don't know why but he doesn't like that.
He has strictly warned me to stop being kind to people.

He looked at me amused while leaning down and pecking my lips proudly.
"You are a smart little thing..."
He placed his forehead on mine.
"Now tell me, how many bullets you want to empty in my head..."

I knew he wouldn't let go, he came back to that question and he won't stop until he makes me spit out the truth. I have no choice. I looked at the gun and then into his amused eyes.
My voice was merely a whisper.

I flinched back and closed my eyes shut when he raised his hand but I felt him touching my hair. He hasn't slapped me yet but I think he is using better methods to hurt me, slap is nothing in front of that.

"My little Vixen"
He pecked my lips and I looked at him confused. Isn't he mad? Is he not going to hurt me for whatever I said?
What's going on in his mind?

I looked at the window when I heard a loud horn. Catherina is here to pick me, she uses the same route so she picks and drops me everyday.

I looked at Rafael, silently asking for the permission and he stepped back.
"You won. Go!"

I couldn't believe him for a second but another horn made me move from my place.

He looked at me with his signature mischievous look when I hurriedly grabbed my purse and ran out of the room.

He is planning something, there is no way that he let me go so easily.

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