12. Real identity!

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Aurora's POV

"Which book you were reading?"
He asked while shuffling through pages of the book I was reading before that chaos.

Bodies are still on the floor, one had a bullet in the chest and the other had a bullet in the head. I was shaking uncontrollably, not knowing how bullets hit the exact spot.

Rafael was normal, unaffected by the bodies like it was his daily work. I had no idea how he managed to stay so calm. What was his profession, what does he do for living? I wondered.

He again took a seat beside me which he left to freshen up and that's how he found my book.
"Mind giving me some insights of the story, I am bored!"
He was mocking me.

I was still in shock, my eyes weren't living bodies. He just added to my list of nightmares.

He holds the craziness which I wouldn't even imagine in my dreams. I couldn't deal with him. If the police couldn't believe me then I was ruined, that was my only hope.

"It's a thriller story"
I mumbled staring blankly at bodies which were lying there because of me. Even if I didn't want to kill them, they were there for me, and I was the ultimate reason for their death.
"The main lead kills the people who hurt her and hides dead bodies until she gets caught by her lover..."

He inspected the cover.
"Interesting! you should take inspiration from the book you read."
He smirked. It looked like it was normal for him to kill people. On the other hand, I can't even hurt people with words.

From time to time my stomach was churning with the thought that police will arrive anytime and I had no way to prove that I didn't kill their men. Tears escaped my eyes again.

My eyes snapped towards the open door when I heard cars stopping in front of my house. Ken got out of the car with his men while pointing guns to tackle the potential threat.

I got up and looked at them then at Rafael, he was still calm. Shuffling through pages and sitting unaffected by the arrival of the police.

Ken froze when he noticed his men were lying dead on the floor. He frowned at me.
"I didn't do it, he made me do that..."
I sobbed.
"Trust me, please"

Ken frowned at the man who was sitting on the chair with his back facing him.
"Raise your hands"
Ken placed the gun on Rafael's back of head.

I expected him to react but Rafael smirked when he heard Ken.
"Looks like your guns have become strong enough to face me?"
Rafael finally placed the book on the table and looked back.

I frowned at Ken when he froze just like me. His hand started shivering and his gun slipped from his hand.
He stepped back in fear.

Sir? I couldn't think straight. So many questions ran through my mind. Why was Ken afraid of him?

Rafael got up and Ken's team lowered their guns while stepping back. They didn't realise that they crashed all my hopes with their reaction.

"I am extremely sorry... We had no idea that it was you"
Ken apologized and I closed my eyes. The police couldn't save me.

Rafael smirked at him.
"Take your trash and get the fuck out of here..."
I couldn't understand how Rafael could talk to a police officer like that.
"This is just a warning"
He looked at dead bodies.
"If your kind meddled in my business again then I'll ruin your existence..."

Ken nodded with the gulp.
"Take these bodies out... And clean the blood, nothing happened here"
He ordered his men.
"It won't happen again"
He promised Rafael. He was sweating.

Rafael looked at me with an amused look.
"Do you want to say something, Angel?"
He mocked.
"Your protectors are here just the way you wanted"

I looked at Ken hopelessly.
It was my only question and Ken understood that.

"I could have helped you if he wasn't Rafael Delgado, I can't protect you from the Mafia king himself. I am sorry!"
Ken looked ashamed of himself but he snatched the ground beneath my feet with his answer.

My eyes snapped towards Rafael and widened in shock.

Mafia King, Rafael Delgado! The man who was behind all the crimes in the country. The man who single handedly has destroyed the peace of the nation. The man who is famous for his brutality.

I had no idea that he was the same Rafael, I had heard the name but couldn't connect. I was fucked.
Ken was right, no one could save me from him.

I lost my balance in shock and took the hold of the wall behind me.
I had chances to survive if he was some serial killer or criminal, but he is the Mafia king himself, the lord of crimes and darkness.
How did I end up in his trap, why did I save him, why I grabbed his attention, why God why?

Why me?

He is a man of darkness, there are no feelings in his world, no will, no consent, no love, no respect and no kindness. He would use me, ruin me the way he wants, play with me as he desires and I can't do anything. I can't do anything at all.
Once he is done with me then he will discard me like trash. I can't be saved from his wicked tortures and games. He is a psycho and everyone knows that.

My world shattered!

Ken took his men and walked out of my house. How was I supposed to deal with the man who terrified the police?

He just played with me, he made me think that I killed those men and now the police will blame me. He enjoyed my fear, he got amused by my fear. It was his sick game.

Ken vanished and now it was just me and him.

He smiled mischievously and stepped towards me.
"Did you really think that I'll let that low life take you..."
He played with my hair strand.
"You are my woman and no one has the right to trouble you..."
His lips touched mine.
"Except me!"

I was numb. I couldn't fill anything, I thought I could escape him but he made me realize that it was impossible. I was trying in vain. I was stupid to not ask him who he was.

He did what he promised. He said that he will crush all my hopes. I will realise that I can't be saved and when my hopes die, he will claim me.

It was that time, he did as he promised.

I started at those grey orbs blankly as they celebrated their victory.
"It's time to claim what's mine!"
He scooped me in his arms and I closed my eyes.

I couldn't watch my own doom.

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