8. Struggled Swim!

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Aurora's POV

I struggled, did whatever I could do to get hold of something or someone. Hands couldn't help but struggled to hold on to the water which wasn't possible. Legs couldn't find the ground to stand. Eyes were closed and saw nothing but darkness, lungs burnt without oxygen and head filled with the water through nose.
It felt like my heart would come out of my chest and float in the water. My heart felt more pain than my body.

I was about to pass out but then a strong hand pulled me up. I clutched on the hand tightly and sucked in the breath, took in as much as I could do like I am not going to get air again.
My eyes opened as I kept gasping for the air. Eyes were burning due to water.

Those mischievous grey orbs mocked me. Rafael was holding me up.
"I have a phobia of water, please... Leave me!... I'll die!"
I pleaded and tried to get out of the water but he held me back firmly.

He was standing in the water like a king, and water wasn't even reaching his chest while I was drowning.

"This fear!"
He grabbed my chin and caressed my cheek with his thumb.
"This fear should be of me only..."
I couldn't believe his words.
"You will fear only me, Angel... Not anything else..."

I looked at him in horror.
"What are you__"

"Let me tell you a few things about myself..."
He removed wet hair from my face.
"It will help you to make your life a little easier... "
I clutched on his arms tightly to get a better grip thinking why were we still in the water. He had something in his mind.
"Most important thing... I hate it when someone says no to me..."
I trembled as he kissed my head like he is the gentleman but that wasn't the truth.
"Now tell me, will you be a good girl and listen to me"

"Let me go, please..."
I pleaded.

"You have chosen a hard way to learn..."
He sighed and my eyes widened when he removed my clutches from his arms.

I screamed when he pushed me back in the water and refused to give me support.

I again felt the same torture, my lungs started burning again. It felt like an eternity when he finally pulled me up.
I cried for the air and clutched on his shirt tightly.
I sobbed with my eyes closed not wanting to face him, these eyes were going to haunt for decades for sure.

"Second thing, I take what I want and what I like... Now that you have grabbed my attention so you are mine now. No one has the right to take you away from me, not even you."
He caressed my head like he is not drowning me in the water.
"Will you try to do that, Angel!"

He asked and I looked at him blankly, I didn't answer. I just cried.

"Another thing, I don't like when someone gives me a silent answer... Your voice is mine now and I would prefer to hear it whenever I want... Now, answer my question"
He was telling me this in a soft and gentle voice but his actions were completely opposite. He had lost his mind, he was not normal.

I couldn't understand what to say and he took it as disobedience which ended up falling into the water again.
I cursed my life for that, for the things I am going through.
I held on to his leg and tried to come up but he grabbed my neck and pushed me back into the water again.

My soul was halfway out of the body when he pulled me up again. How is he pulling me out exactly when I feel like I am going to die. It felt like he had practice of it. How many people he had killed like this, I couldn't help but wonder.

"I don't like when people disobey me and you won't be an exception, Angel... I am not going hard on you, it doesn't mean you can disobey me..."
He let me cough and breathe. What the hell did he mean that he is not going hard on me, he is trying to kill me and he thinks it's not hard enough. Then what does hard actually mean to him.

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