4. stranger in the house!

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Aurora's POV

Night wasn't showing any mercy. It was like the sky was crying its heart out with the mourn for someone beloved.
The wind was angry, slapping and breaking everything which comes in its way.
Many predicted that the town was going to flood that day because streets were looking like small rivers.

I had left the library early that night because I knew I won't get a cab if I leave at the usual time. The senior allowed and I booked a cab.

"Looks like something bad is going to happen..."
The driver said while driving through the busy street.

Roads were jammed due to heavy rain and everyone was eager to go home safely. I had never seen such traffic for a long time.

I love dark rainy nights, they are fascinating and I feel that they hold something mysterious in them. They are saga!
But that night was a nightmare for everyone. It didn't start the saga but the misery for me.

My cab finally made its way out of the busy streets and got on the way to my home which is isolated.

The driver suddenly stopped and I frowned.
"The fallen tree has blocked the road. I can't go ahead"
He informed me and I looked out of the window.

The tree was huge and had covered the whole street, there wasn't any way to go ahead.

"I'll walk from here, it's not far"
I got out and opened my umbrella.

I paid him and he kept looking at my face while I was making payment. It's not new, people stare at me. I used to feel awkward when I was a teenager. but as I grew up I realised that they only see outer beauty and nothing else.
My mother had an incredible beauty which was passed down to me. It's not like I didn't enjoy it, who doesn't like being beautiful but little did I know that my beauty was going to be a big enemy of mine.

"I am probably the same age as your daughter, don't look at me like that"
I said and he looked away embarrassed.

He reversed the car and disappeared into the rain again.
I sighed and turned around, my umbrella wasn't doing a good job to protect me from the rain, it wasn't its fault either as the storm was strong.

I looked at the fallen tree, It was huge with a straight stem. How tragic it is to see that no matter how strong you are, you can't survive all storms.

My house was five minutes away from there, I started walking but I was completely drenched. I finally saw my house and sighed in relief that I'll be saved from the harsh rain.

But my legs halted in place when I saw a stranger at the gate of my house. Chills ran down my spine thinking that he was trying to break in but then I noticed that he was struggling to stand.

His one hand was on his stomach while with another he was trying to open the gate. He was injured. He didn't look like a thief either. His clothes were drenched but didn't give up the expensive look. He was tall even if his legs were not supporting him.

I rushed towards him.
"Excuse me!"
I yelled as the rain weakened my voice.

He stopped and tried to look at me but couldn't. He was weak and on the verge of passing out. Rain was slapping his face and stopping him from looking at my face.

I looked at his hand which was on his stomach and my eyes widened when I saw blood mixing with the rain drops.
"What happened to you?"
It was stupid of me to expect any answer from him when he couldn't even stand properly.

I thought maybe he got into the accident because of the rain, he was looking for help near my house because there was no one else till you go ahead the miles.

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