3. Unpredictable!

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Aurora's POV

I stared at the ceiling blankly as morning light made it visible. My whole body is aching, my throat hurts, my wrists are numb, my private part is throbbing like it's bruised. But my dignity is more wounded than my body.
I was assaulted the whole night and I still can't do anything about it. There is no choice but to stay defeated in the bed, my naked body is still tangled with his. His hand is heavy around my belly and I can't breathe because of it. Face is buried in my neck as he is sleeping calmly but I'll be a fool to think that he is in sleep. Rafael never sleeps, it feels like he can see everything with his eyes closed. Little movement and he wakes up.

I couldn't breathe due to his heavy hand on belly and I moved. His hand came to my jaw in a firm grip, he is still buried in my neck and I am sure he must have felt my nervous gulp.
"Don't fuck up right now"
His voice was not sleepy at all which means he wasn't asleep. I don't know if he slept at all and if he didn't then it means he was watching me while I was sleeping naked beside him.
Creeps crawled into my skin with that thought.

He sounds mad than usual which means someone has messed with him and I am paying for it. I almost whimpered at his tight grip on my jaw.
I managed to speak in a weak voice before he could think that I was denying his touch. He doesn't like it when I do that.

He released an irritated sigh and released my jaw with the jerk making me whimper.
I felt a little light when he lifted his body and looked at me.
His grey eyes were annoyed, eyebrows were scrunched a little with a doubt and lips were set in thin line, jaw sharp as his knife and nose which carries arrogance on its tip.

He looks mad, his eyes give me nothing but terror, mocks me with the thought of how much power they hold over me. I quickly looked away from his eyes and stated at the platinum locket which is hanging around his neck. It looks like an heirloom.

I want to get out of the bed but can't move until he gives me the permission. I can't take any punishment after last night. My body is already hurting.

He stared at my face with those expressions and sat up while grabbing his phone. He is not a bit bothered by his nakedness.
He placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it. I took the hint and got up.

As soon as I got up, a pain shot in my whole body. I am too sore and couldn't help but moan in pain. I grabbed on the counter beside me and stood there until my body could stand on my numb legs.

I grabbed the robe and wore it but froze when he raised his eyebrow at me challengingly.
"I am sorry"
I quickly mumbled and removed the robe and dropped it on the same place from where I picked it up. He thinks that my body is his property and I can't hide it from him just like I can't show it to anyone.

I gulped when he puffed out the smoke and got up. Oh god! No, not again. I can't take it. I didn't mean to piss him off.

I clutched on the counter with both hands as my body trembled when he stepped towards me while kicking aside the robe which was in his way.
"I am sorry... I didn't mean it... I was just feeling cold"
I tried to defend myself before he could think that I was trying to defy his orders.

He took a long drag of his cigarette and my throat tightened when he placed his both hands on mine which are clutching the counter.
My breasts are squeezing against his chest and the cigarette in his hand is close to my right thumb, so close that I can feel the heat.

He puffed out the smoke on my face.
"You love to piss me off, don't you?"
He sounded annoyed as he stared at me with the same mad look.

"No! I am sorry... I didn't want to do that..."
I pleaded to him, not wanting to get hurt more than I already am.
My eyes stared at the cigarette which is close to my skin and my hand tightened in fear.

He has never burnt me with a cigarette but I can't predict his behaviour. He can do anything.

He closed his eyes when his phone rang and pushed back his body from mine. I sighed in relief when that cigarette got away from me.

I looked at him when he grabbed the phone.
He gritted.

I didn't move not wanting to piss him off but then he looked at me while talking on the phone and dismissively waved at me to leave.

I didn't wait a second before rushing towards the washroom while avoiding the pain in my body.

There are fresh marks on my body today, old ones are yet to heal. It feels like my body is a canvas which he paints with different shades of red, purple and blue.

I turned on the shower and let the warm shower soothe my stiff muscles. I want to sit or lean on something because my legs are too sore to stand until I finish the shower.

I was about to sit down but then I felt support against my back. That rock hard chest and hard muscles. No matter how much I needed it but I would have preferred to sit down on the ground instead of taking support from him.
But now that he has decided to join me in the shower then I have no choice.

He doesn't really stay back for a shower, sometimes leaves before I wake up but some unlucky days like today are exceptions.

His hands slowly roamed on my shoulders which have his marks. He must be proud as I felt his lips on it.
"I told you, you are lucky for me, Angel..."
He licked my earlobe and I closed my eyes.

Maybe the issue which pissed him off last night got solved. But he is Rafael and no one knows when he talks in sarcasm and when he is serious so I don't take his words as an exact meaning.
He could be playing with you and you don't even know, I had learnt it a hard way.

He wasn't really easy to understand and he is still very unpredictable.

"All problems vanish when you are around me"
He gently cleaned my body. His hands roamed on my shoulders and arms. He cleaned my body like someone cleaned their favourite expensive car, same passion and dedication. Each and every inch!

I just stood there silently, letting him do his work. Not like I can stop him.

I don't know what he thinks about me, why he is doing this to me, why he comes to me every night when he can get any girl he wants. Why does he play with me when he has so many things to do.
It's not long since I found out that he is a Spanish mafia King. It was like the ground beneath my feet slipped away. I am still processing the information.

Why would mafia King take an interest in me? Why does he want to make my life so much different? He has already had his way with me, can't he leave me alone now?

I want to scream these questions at him but I have no courage. I am terrified of him.

Why did I meet him that night?

I can't forget the rainy night when I was coming back from work  when my destiny collided with his and got sucked into the darkness.

That night was cursed!

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