14. Accident!

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Aurora's POV

I groaned in sleep as my body hurt with movements. I took seconds before I understood that someone called me in a whisper.

Adrenaline rushed inside me and my eyes snapped open, body jolted up as I sat and cowered back with the gasp.

"Hey, it's okay... It's just me.."
Catherine frowned at me while raising her hands in defence.

I sighed in relief and ran my hand through my hair. I thought it was Rafael. My throat was dry, I grabbed the bottle from the table and gulped the water down.

My heart went to its normal beating as I looked around and realised that I am still in the library. Catherine made me sleep here after breakfast and I had a good sleep that feels like I have slept for days. Maybe I was really tired.

"You look like you have been sleeping for decades."
She chuckled, my eyes must be swollen because I can feel it.
I don't mind because I am feeling fresh and relaxed after a nap.
"Shift is over... And we still have half day left... It's such a rare thing, seriously!..."

I looked at the clock. I slept for half of the day. Poor Catherina had to work for me too.
"Thank you and Sorry... You had to do everything alone"

Catherine smiled.
"Oh, come on! We are friends... And I am not doing this for free, you are giving me treats, remember?"
She is an excited soul. I was like her too but she is an upgraded version.

"Yes! I remember"
I nodded. She really deserves a treat to take care of me.

"Let's go shopping and have a nice lunch..."
She suggested and I looked at her with a blank face. Thinking of whether I should go or not. It sounded like a good idea, I don't want to go home and sit there depressed, I won't sleep either after the nap and Rafael won't be home before night so I have a good time for myself.
It will be refreshing to go out and spend some time with Catherine.

I nodded without a smile.

"You said yes?"
Her eyes widened.
"I should give you naps regularly, it works!"
She teased and grabbed our purses.
"Let's go before you change your mind."
She grabbed my arm making me stand.

I stopped her.
"Let me wash my face... You take out the car, I'll join you"

She nodded and walked out. I washed my face and checked my phone and remembered his message. I don't know what he is going to do to me tonight.
I shook my thoughts and decided to focus on the present because time with Rafael is always filled with terrors.

I freshened up and went out, Catherine was waiting in the car for me. I opened the door and sat inside.
"Lunch first or shopping?"

I am not hungry but she must be, because she has been working since morning.

She smiled and started the car. I wish I could smile freely like her. But sometimes I feel it's good, I don't have to fake a smile to people I don't like.

We stopped by the restaurant and went inside. The waiter greeted us as we took seats.

Catherine ordered for both of us while I was staring blankly out of the window. The streets were busy even in the afternoon, maybe because of the public event in the town.

"I am damn hungry"
She sipped her juice.
"So Aurora__ okay, never mind!"

I looked at her blankly as she stopped and cleared her throat awkwardly. Maybe she wanted to ask something but felt awkward to ask it. I doubted that it was about the morning or my nature but I am glad that she didn't proceed further because I can't answer any of her questions and risk her life.
Catherine has a good and happening life and I don't want to jinx it with the mention of Rafael.

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