Chapter 164 : Broken Hearts

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Two days pass. Maharaja Rajan is still unconscious. Shivaya has calmed down a bit but her situation is worse than before. She didn't know who her attacker was, but now she knows it was instructed by her own brother.

Prithviraj is taken to infirmary. His jaw is broken, several ribs broken, an arm is dislocated. These are aside from his black eyes. Shrutakarma slammed his face on the ground by his hair. To summarize it, his condition is worse than all.

Shrutakarma though is still furious and tried to kill him then and there. Arjuna and Bheema barely kept him away and later Krishna's interference stopped the spot murder of Prithviraj.

"What's the next step, Sakha?" Draupadi asks.

Krishna, Draupadi and Shrutasena are standing in the balcony. Discussing about the next possibilities.

"Prithviraj didn't succeed in any of his plans. Also he was a crown prince. So, he won't get a death penalty, Maa," Shrutasena sighs.

"Life imprisonment then. My son's reputation was harmed. I would rather he gets a death penalty for the stunts he pulled," Draupadi says sternly.

"What's his situation now?" Krishna asks.

"He...regrets everything... He is crying and begging when he gains conscious. He wants to meet Shivaya..." Shrutasena says.

"His regret is too late..." Krishna says grimly.

Draupadi nods in agreement.

"Sakhi, what will you do about Shivaya?" Krishna asks.

"Well...I want to return now. It's been a month we are here. After you declare Prithviraj's punishment, I wish to leave. And Shivaya? I sympathize with her...sakha...she isn't coping at all...But I pray and hope she will get better doesn't stop so easily," Draupadi sighs.

"How about taking her with you?" Krishna asks.

Draupadi stops for a second, "Sakha, she isn't in any term to travel. She hasn't left her bed in two days. I will invite her after she recovers a little bit."

"Mamashree... didn't mean it that way...Maa," Shrutasena says hesitantly.

Draupadi frowns at her son then at her sakha, "Absolutely not, sakha. I sympathize with her. I wish to lend her strength but No. I am not getting Karma married in this family. They accused him without any proof. They abused my son."

"Maa, Karma and Shivaya were supposed to get married. But things took such an unexpected turn..."

"You said it yourself! It already changed so much. Let it be. I am not getting my son married in such family. Sakha, you always claimed you love Karma more than us. Don't you think Karma will be most affected by this? She accused him before. Where does that make him stand? He will never forget it," Draupadi argues sternly.

"Panchali!" Nakula bursts inside the chamber.

"Nakula, what's wrong?" Draupadi's soul almost leaves her body seeing him so pale.

"Panchali...Shivaya...she jumped in the river..."

Draupadi, Shrutasena, Krishna and Nakula runs there as fast as they could.

The river is near the women wing. Shivaya left her chamber who knows when. Before anyone could understand, she jumped in the river.

"Karma!" Draupadi shouts in panic.

Shrutakarma came running and without even warning he jumps in the river as well.


Draupadi is hold by Bheema when she was also about to go in the river.

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