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"It has recently come to my attention that we need to put in more work toward basic wilderness survival skills-" Professor X said to the gathered X-Men Members in the war room before one individual toward the back interrupted."Why do we need to practice such things I mean I get most of them but, some of us can fly and find a way home. None of the nonsense of roughing it in the woods slowly dying of starvation, dehydration, etcetera..." The one and only Warren Worthington III stated while flexing his wings hitting Jubilee who was a foot away from him with his wings in the face. "Hey Watch it Feather Weight!" Jubilee yelled as she spat out a few feathers. "Not my fault you're such a big target You're pretty much a big neon flashing sign crying out "Hit me!" and I responded," Warren said as he got closer to Jubilee with a smug expression on his face. "At least MY bones aren't hollow. Oh yeah.... how's the broken toe? What caused that again? It wasn't a fight against Magneto or the Sentinels so what could it be? Oh right the coffee table and you lumbering around like Dodo." Jubilee fired back as she and Warren started getting into each other's faces Jubilee growing ever more agitated and Warren getting more smug by the minute. "Jubilee Warren enough! Everyone on the team expects Wolverine will be participating since he can take care of himself out in the wilderness. I will separate the both of you so sit back down! Now Let me finish explaining the exercise." Professor X called out just before it came to blows between them. In response to getting called out like small children, the pair just crossed their arms and sat down looking anywhere but at each other.

"As I was saying you all are going to be partaking in a training exercise geared toward wilderness survival. This will be a solo exercise meaning there will be no groups or teams to help you, so this also counts as a self-reliance exercise. Me and Wolverine will be knocking you all out with sedatives, and we will be dropping you off at random places in a forest several miles away from civilization. Your end goal is to get to the collection point within the day-long limit you are given, but if you need help press this distress beacon. The nearest person to your location will be alerted and shown the way to who pressed the distress beacon" Professor X said as he showed the X-Men a small X button shaped much like their coms in their costumes. "You will have nothing but the clothes on your backs, this beacon, and your resourcefulness to help you find the collection point." Professor X declared to the assembled X-Men who nodded and headed toward the Blackbird. Jubilee watched as the other X-Men were given the sedatives and how calm they were and yet as Professor X came close to her with the needle she couldn't help but feel nervous. "Don't worry Jubilee you will be fine now just relax." Professor X said as he slowly put the needle into Jubilee's arm and injected her with the sedatives. Jubilee was vaguely aware of the professor saying other things to her, but he sounded so far away, and soon after that the world went dark.

Sometime later...

"Oww, my head...where am I?" Jubilee groaned as she sat up rubbing her head then as she looked around it hit her like a ton of bricks. "Oh yeah, the wilderness survival thingy! I need to get to the collection point before the day is over and in the process beat bird dweeb there. The professor said it's going to be in the Southern part of the forest. Now which way is South..." Jubilee trailed off looking around the small forest clearing she found herself in. She arbitrarily chose a direction and began walking through the trees watching wildlife and looking out for the collection point without much of a care in the world. "Now I have to get clean fresh water, edible food, and find the collection point easy peasy lemon squeezy," Jubilee said as she continued in the direction she chose thinking of things to eat and finding a way to get water.

The terrain had a few slopes and of course thick dense foliage just about everywhere across the landscape. Even though the terrain was unconventional Jubilee was finding that traversing wasn't that difficult and after a while of walking she came across a decently sized clearing with a few bushes upon seeing the bushes Jubilee checked off one of the boxes on her list. The bushes were filled with blueberries that looked ripe enough to eat and Jubilee threw caution to the wind and dug into the berries. Jubilee's mouth was very well stained purple by the time she was finished and was licking her lips she heard a loud bellow not far behind her and when she whipped her head around she saw a massive bull moose standing about 8 to 12 ft from her. Even from this distance, Jubilee could tell the moose was huge and the antlers atop its head were nothing to sneeze at having 8 points that could gut her on a whim... and she was standing right in the middle of its food. "Hey...Is this yours? Of course it's yours I left you some don't worry so I'm just gonna leave-" Jubilee said as she began backing away slowly and then the moose cut her off with a loud bellow rearing its head back before running straight toward her.

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