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It's day 10 wahoo! Double major milestone da hitting double digits and a multiple of 5 wahoo! Now this one is a two-parter I know there are quite a few of those already in this collection but oh well. This is also an exploration of first person point of view once more to work on perfecting it. This one stars one of my favorite villains I love to hate from X-Men Emma Frost who is scarily competent at some points in at least in my opinion and in this story. I have taken bits and pieces from Cannon from the comics and the classic 90s show and a very very small sprinkle from 97'. This gets to be a little much so I'll give some trigger warnings. TWs: Aslyums the bad kind, Wishes for death instead of living, hallucinations, manipulation, medicine of unknown origin, human rights violations, and the deterioration of the mental status of a very happy positive character. End of the TWs. Let me set the scene this takes place after Jean's Death in the 90s show but this time Professor X isn't around to help but Emma Frost is. Jean's death lasts much longer than in dose in the show by the way.                                                                                                                                                                             The team consists of Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Rouge, Nightcrawler, Gambait, Morph, Beast, Forge, and a 14-year-old Jubilation Lee (Jubilee). Yes, I scrambled the Timeline in a blender and shook it even more after all was said and done.  If you don't want to read this sort of thing and especially if the TWs are too much or something you're uncomfortable with just skip this one for tomorrow's story. Now with all of that out of the way let's get on with the story...

                                                                 Jubilee's POV

It's only been 4 months since Jean died and now Cyclpose is dating someone new and I don't how to feel about her. Emma Frost sets off so many alarm bells and my gut is telling me something isn't right with her but she seems so outwardly friendly with everyone but Wolvie told me to trust my instincts. I should tell him but how do I start that conversation?? Hey, how's your day been? By the way, I think something is wrong with Cyclpose's girlfriend I think she's evil or something like that. Yeah no not happening and if Cyclpose were to find out I said anything like that the lectures that would spawn from it and the mountain of chores that would be given to me. Everyone else seems to like her well enough why can't I just get along with her??

I thought to myself as I went down to the infirmary for some headache medicine I found Emma there and I felt myself freeze but I smiled nonetheless. "What are you doing down here dear?" Emma asked me. "Just have a headache and need some pain meds," I responded trying to shake off the feeling that I shouldn't be here. "Beast is doing some lab work so I'll get you some>" Emma said as she smiled brightly before getting up and walking over to a cabinet. "Oh, you don't have to," I said trying to lay on the sweetness so she would just get Beast. "Oh it's no problem and I want to feel better as soon as possible," Emma said and in my opinion, it sounded disingenuous and I wanted to punch her...maybe I should talk to someone about this before I act on those feelings and thoughts.  

"Here this should help your headache but it might make you a bit sleepy," Emma warned as she deposited the meds into my hand along with a glass of water. Every part of my brain and body was screaming at me not to take the meds and just to chuck them at her stupid dollar-store Barbie face. In the end, I swallowed my pride and fears along with the meds... 

I nearly choked on the meds but did manage to swallow them down after a moment of struggling and contemplating spitting them back up on Emma. " I should have broken them up for you sorry about that child," Emma said as she rubbed her hand up and down my back like a mother would to a sick child. I wanted to run as far as my legs could take me just for this action but for whatever reason I stayed planted to where I was. 

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