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This is an AU that I made up and is not at all canon-compliant with Marvel I took canon and folded it origami style to make something new.  This Au is one I haven't used before but I like what I have in my head I thought this story was pretty funny and sheds light on a part of Peter's personality I like and want to see more of...Him being a total menace to society.     Peter is 15 in the AU and is a mutant and has been since birth instead of being bit by a spider at 15 and becoming Spiderman and has a slightly different backstory. If you don't like Au's that change a lot of canon that's alright you can skip/wait for day three. Instead of being bit by a spider at 15 and becoming Spiderman Peter also has a slightly different backstory. As I'm reading this back it sounds like I have Fury and Hill in a relationship but they aren't in one. I wrote it that way because Agent Coulson and Agent Hill would help Fury raise Peter as a fun Aunt and Uncle. Now with all of that out of the way on with the story.-K

"Come on Uncle Nick! It's been so long since we've had a day to ourselves!" Peter said as he was tugging on his Uncle Nick's coat sleeve trying to get him to pay attention. "I can't Peter I have a meeting with the Avengers to discuss the new Accords," Fury said as he counted with Peter and Maria Hill, behind him. "Do you have to go?" Peter asked keeping pace with him. "You know I have to because if I  don't the Avengers won't act like adults and won't get anything done," Fury replied as they stepped into the garage. "I'm so bored Uncle Nick there hasn't been anything to do since I got out of school for the Summer," Peter said in one last-ditch effort to get his uncle to stay. "Sorry Pete I gotta go. While I'm gone don't end up in the 7 o'clock news or in a Hydra base that is all I ask." Fury said while shaking his head at his nephew who in response to him rolled his eyes and murmured "Yes Uncle Nick" Fury just shook his head and he and Angent Hill climbed into the back of their car and began driving to The Tower.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Maria asked not long after they left. "What idea Hill?" Fury grumbled back. "Leaving a bored Peter Parker-Fury behind. You said it yourself once upon a time that the fact he has so many cat-like tendencies isn't always the best at some points in time. I've also seen him cause an office-wide war at S.H.E.I.L.D. with nothing but a screwdriver, three packs of bubblegum, his baseline knowledge of office chairs, and the forty-five minutes the office was out to lunch. I'm a little afraid of what he could do with hours' worth of free time in addition to almost a week's worth of boredom. When we get back we'll be walking into a far more extensive boobytrapped base than the houses from Home Alone 1 and 2 combined. I hope you know that, and that I am using you as a shield." Maria said and when she looked over to Fury she earned a light-hearted glare from her old friend and she just chuckled.

"He's got boundless energy that needs an outlet Fury I still think you should contact  Xavier-" Agent Hill was saying before Fury cut her off. "He'll turn him into a child soldier for the mutant cause Hill. I support the mutants especially since we found out Peter had the possibility of being one and I've supported the cause even before we found the X gene in Peter's DNA. I just don't want my Nephew to be out on the front lines and getting killed or severely harmed for what is in his DNA, and for people who think of him as less than the dirt beneath their feet. I'm not trying to discredit Xavier for all that he does, but if he offered my nephew a place on the front lines  I don't think Peter would refuse. That's why Xavier won't know about Peter unless he finds him through Cerebro on accident then I'll deal with it then." Fury said as he glared at Hill with a glare that could make the most seasoned spies shiver but Agent Hill just sighed and shook her head.

" I get what you're saying, Fury, and one of the reasons I said what I did is that Peter also needs socialization. He's in online school so he doesn't see other kids every day like most kids do at regular school.  Rember back when he was young I would take him to the park to try to get him some friends the other kids couldn't keep up with his energy and his intelligence...I'm proposing to get him a friend near his age and his intelligence." Hill said tentatively knowing this conversation would probably only go one way. "What are you suggesting Aganet Hill?" Fury grumbled. "I'm suggesting we introduce Peter to Tony's son Harley Keener-Stark and before you even complain about Stark I am going to list my reasons.  1 Both Peter and Harley are related to prominent people in the superhero community and no one knows of their existence. 2 They are both extremely intelligent and both of them are just about on par with Tony in intelligence. 3 They are only six months apart in age. 4 Tony told us of Harley's existence and the fact that he could use a friend or two who could keep up with him. Now where does that sound familiar? Agent Hill said and Fury sighed because he knew...She was right.  "I'll talk with Stark about maybe setting up a day Harley and Peter could meet after the Accords meeting," Fury said after a moment's hesitation and Hill smiled at him as he glared at him. I'll tell Phill I finally wore you down with something concerning Peter." Agent Hill joked. "Don't go bragging to Coulson because he'll try to take the inch I gave you to a mile." Fury snapped and Agent Hill just chuckled already pulling out her phone.

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